King Throstlebeard
(König Drosselbart)
GDR, 1965, 73 min, color
In German; no subtitles

König Drosselbart © DEFA-Stiftung, Max Teschner
Beck, Walter |
Beck, Walter |
Kaltofen, Günter |
(Rammler) Deubener, Gudrun |
Beichler, Margot |
Ehrlich, Christel |
Gerber, Lothar |
Krüllke, Erich |
Pieske, Werner |
Gründel, Dorit |
Lesser, Wolfgang |
Carstens, Bruno |
Decho, Fritz |
Flörchinger, Martin |
Heyse, Evamaria |
Krug, Manfred |
Schäfer, Gerd E. |
Schmidtchen, Joachim |
Schreiber, Helmut |
Ugowski, Karin |
Wachowiak, Jutta |
Wyzniewski, Arno |
Themes & Genres:
The young men vying for the princess's favor are admittedly not always knights in shining armor. But does she have to be so arrogant and spiteful? When she gives a nice young king the nickname "Throstlebeard,” her father has finally had enough and swears that she will marry the first beggar to walk through the door. And sure enough, the proud princess soon moves into a poor little hut as a beggar's bride.
A sparkling screen version of the Grimms' fairytale.