How to Marry a King
(Wie heiratet man einen König)
GDR, 1968, 77 min, color
In German; no subtitles

Wie heiratet man einen König © DEFA-Stiftung, Hans Hattop and Wolfgang Reinke
Simon, Rainer |
Kaltofen, Günter |
Simon, Rainer |
(Rammler) Deubener, Gudrun |
Beichler, Margot |
Brusendorff, Margrit |
Neumann, Claus |
Keller, Jochen |
Poppe, Hans |
Schmidt, Günter |
Rabenalt, Peter |
Dommisch, Peter |
Esche, Eberhard |
Fischer, Hannes |
Glatzeder, Winfried |
Habbema, Cox |
Holtz, Jürgen |
Lugo, Alfredo |
Mann, Dieter |
Reichel, Käthe |
Schulz, Sigurd |
Themes & Genres:
A farmer's daughter solves three riddles to free her unjustly imprisoned father from the king's dungeons. Her cleverness wins the king's heart, and he takes her as his wife. As queen, she draws her spouse's attention to the injustices he commits against his subjects, and the king throws her out of the castle. Because of his love for her, the king permits her to take with her dearest possession. And as a result, the King wakes up the next morning in a small farmer's cottage.
Based on the Grimm's fairy tale "The Farmer's Clever Daughter."