The Dream of the Elk
(Der Traum vom Elch)

Der Traum vom Elch © DEFA-Stiftung, Hans-Joachim Zillmer
Kühn, Siegfried |
Kühn, Siegfried |
Hartmann, Hasso |
Krex, Brigitte |
Brand, Peter |
Lehmann, Paul |
Wenzel, Hans-Jürgen |
Becker, Eckhard |
Bieligk, Klaus |
Diesel, Werner |
Gruber, Marie |
Heintze, Detlef |
Manzel, Dagmar |
Piontek, Klaus |
Sass, Katrin |
Steyer, Christian |
Vanegas, Moises |
After a failed marriage, nurse Anna (Katrin Sass) dreams of a fulfilling relationship. Marcus, who Anna has nicknamed her "elk," knows he can always count on her for a night of passion when he comes calling, which is only a few days each year. When she is not with Marcus, Anna spends most of her time thinking about their encounters, which seems to give meaning to her life.
But Anna is not so lovesick that she's blind to the advances of her best friend's arrogant artist lover or the attention paid her by his married friend, a factory manager. After her dalliances with these men apparently precipitate the suicide of her best friend, Anna feels compelled to seek solitude in the mountains in order to come to terms with her dreams and the reality she lives in.
A romantic drama based on the novel by Herbert Otto. Katrin Sass (Good Bye, Lenin!) is extremely convincing as the ambivalent Anna.
1987 | Berlin International Film Festival, Panorama |
Press comments
"It narrates about the silence and loss of relationships of young peole in the last years of the GDR."
"It is a radical film. It is a brutally honest film. It is a true film. A film about love and the difficulties of love. A film about love and death. In consequence, a film about life itself."
—Heinz Kersten, Tagesspiegel