Disco Film 37: Wir
(Disco 37: Wir)
GDR, 1980, 5 min, color
In German; no subtitles

Disco 37: Wir © DEFA-Stiftung
Klemke, Christian |
Burkhardt, Ulrich |
Hellwig, Joachim |
Nikolowa, Jutta |
Randel, Wolfgang |
Ziegler, Wolfgang |
Themes & Genres:
The East German band Wir was founded in 1970 by singer and keyboard player Wolfgang Ziegler and songwriter Jens Gerlach.
This music video interprets their song "Und sie dreht sich doch" ("And Yet She's Spinning"). The lyrics describe the importance of protecting Mother Earth: "And yet she's spinning, she's still moving, and we're making sure that she'll keep on for a while."