The Fisherman and His Wife
(Die Geschichte vom Fischer und seiner Frau)
GDR, 1975, 13 min, color
In German; no subtitles

Die Geschichte vom Fischer und seiner Frau © DEFA-Stiftung
Krauße, Werner |
Krauße, Werner |
Thomas, Rudolf |
d'Bomba, Eva |
Jung, Siegfried |
Weise, Eberhard |
Brenk, Karl |
Draehn, Heinz |
Höhne, Gisela |
Themes & Genres:
The fisherman feels bad for the golden, speaking fish that he caught and releases him. The fish offers a free wish to the good-hearted man. The man asks for a boat, but his wife is not happy with it and asks for a house. Driven by the wife’s greed, the fisher asks for more and more. But one day, all the wealth is gone… Based on a Brothers Grimm fairy tale.