The Porcupine: The Night of Horror
(Das Stacheltier – Die Nacht des Grauens)
GDR, 1954, 8 min, b&w
In German; no subtitles
Das Stacheltier – Die Nacht des Grauens © DEFA-Stiftung
Groschopp, Richard |
Groschopp, Richard |
Modniewski, Charlotte |
Anders, Erwin |
Drinda, Horst |
Küthe, Hildegard |
May, Gisela |
Themes & Genres:
Helmut receives a package from his Uncle Fritz in the West, which contains a number of cheap crime novels like The Night of Terror. Helmut begins reading everywhere, especially before bed. In his dreams, the stories are acted out by people he knows in real life, including his landlady and his attractive female neighbor. Helmut is mortified to find both of them in his room, awakened by his cries for help.