The Porcupine: The King in Thule
(Das Stacheltier – Der König in Thule)
GDR, 1953, 5 min, b&w
In German; no subtitles
Das Stacheltier – Der König in Thule © DEFA-Stiftung
Groschopp, Richard |
Brehm, Erich |
Modniewski, Charlotte |
Anders, Erwin |
Gützlaff, Günter |
Honig, Gerhard |
Joseph, Maika |
Peters, Werner |
Roth, Sigrid |
Thein, Christel |
Thein, Ulrich |
A community theater group is preparing their performance of "The King in Thule." When a cultural functionary appears, the young people hope to get some staging tips. Instead, the entire show is called into question due to its unsocialist main character and setting...until the functionary learns that it is an invaluable piece of "national cultural heritage" based on Goethe!