Dawid's Journal
(Dawids Tagebuch)
GDR, 1980, 25 min, color
In German; no subtitles
Dawids Tagebuch © DEFA-Stiftung
Weiß, Konrad |
Petri, Walter |
Weiß, Konrad |
Wittmann, Evelyn |
Blach, Rita |
Lösche, Michael |
DEFA Studio for Documentary Films |
Themes & Genres:
In 1957, Dawid Rubinowicz's journal was found in a small village in Poland. He was 12 years old when he began secretly writing in 1940 and his diary ends abruptly in June 1942, when Dawid and his family were killed in the Treblinka extermination camp. Dawid's brief childhood is traced through his diary entries, which are illustrated through filmic documents, photographs, and memories of those who know Dawid.
Dawid's Journal conveys the magnitude of the the monstrosities committed against Polish Jews during the Holocaust while at the same time recognizing the individuality of each of the countless victims and putting a human face on their suffering.