A Weimar Film
(Ein Weimarfilm)
GDR, 1976, 60 min, color
In German; no subtitles

Ein Weimarfilm © DEFA-Stiftung
Böttcher, Jürgen |
Böttcher, Jürgen |
Hein, Christiane |
Arnold, Angelika |
Kohlert, Werner |
Bayon |
Steiner, Roland |
Themes & Genres:
This documentary goes beyond simply presenting facts about the thousand-year-old city and its famous names: Goethe, Schiller, Herder, Cranach, Bauhaus, Buchenwald. Böttcher captures the transient beauty of the city and its culture through associative images of winter landscapes, parks in bloom, details from paintings, and local landmarks set to classical music by Bach and the exotic sounds of the East German band Bayon.