The Porcupine: What a Fuss!
(Das Stacheltier – So'n Theater!)
GDR, 1955, 7 min, b&w
In German; no subtitles

Das Stacheltier – So'n Theater © DEFA-Stiftung, Norbert Kuhröber
Thiel, Heinz |
Thiel, Heinz |
Pechlow, Charlotte |
Anders, Erwin |
Horn, Harald |
Schmidt, Günter |
Aroe, Johannes |
Brauer, Erich |
Trepte, Curt |
Weintraud, Ilse |
Wolff, Friedhelm |
The open air theater is always sold out, but the district council refuses to give permission for additional performances due to lack of funding. When the theater takes matters into its own hands by putting on ten additional shows and earning 40,000 marks, the bureaucrats come by to congratulate them. After all, such success wouldn't have been possible without the "help" of the council!