The Porcupine: The Household Wonder
(Das Stacheltier – Das Haushaltswunder)
GDR, 1955, 10 min, b&w
In German; no subtitles

Das Stacheltier – Das Haushaltswunder © DEFA-Stiftung, Waltraut Pathenheimer
Röbbeling, Harald |
Röbbeling, Harald |
Modniewski, Charlotte |
Anders, Erwin |
Horn, Harald |
Arzdorf, Franz |
Geschonneck, Erwin |
Henker, Paul R. |
Mirek, Erich |
Teitge, Friedrich |
Wüst, Hannelore |
Themes & Genres:
After seeing ads for the new "household wonder" from the Telewerke Nationally Owned Enterprise, everyone wants to talk to manager Vogel about it. Customers want to know when it will hit stores, the factory director wants to know if Vogel will be able to meet his deadlines, the engineering team wants to know whose supposedly "junk" idea ended up getting chosen and journalists want to know if they can see the product first-hand.
The real reason Vogel is too busy to answer their questions? The product doesn't actually exist yet...