The Porcupine: The Beard Is off
(Das Stacheltier – Der Bart ist ab)
GDR, 1953, 7 min, b&w
In German; no subtitles
Das Stacheltier – Der Bart ist ab © DEFA-Stiftung
Groschopp, Richard |
Groschopp, Richard |
Modniewski, Charlotte |
Anders, Erwin |
Borges, Manfred |
Hübner, Herbert |
Martens, Hans-Joachim |
Merkel, Harry |
Runkehl, Karla |
Torka, Horst |
Themes & Genres:
A Free German Youth group is putting the finishing touches on their new club room and wants to celebrate by hosting a dance. A bearded propagandist informs the youth that the district supervisors have sent him to host a more appropriate opening ceremony: a presentation about "The Joys of Youth Life." But when the celebration starts, the young people rip the official's fake beard off and get the party started!