Prince Irregang und Maid Miseri
(Prinz Irregang und Jungfer Miseri)
GDR, 1989, 22 min, color
In German; no subtitles
Prinz Irregang und Jungfer Miseri © DEFA-Stiftung, Christa Köfer
Henke, Manfred |
Gehm, Hedda |
Ritter, Renate |
Henke, Manfred |
Mammitzsch, Manfred |
Henke, Manfred |
Jung, Lars |
Kuhl, Katja |
Nowotny, Claudia |
Pauls, Tom |
Schmidtchen, Achim |
Schulze, Gerlind |
Vogt, Gerhard |
Weber, Hanns-Jörn |
Themes & Genres:
When a group of goblins save the king from drowning in a swamp, he must promise them his first-born son in exchange. During his captivity, young Prince Irregang completes a series of impossible tasks with some magical help from Maid Miseri, who is also the goblins' prisoner. The pair manages to escape, only to discover more trouble waiting for them at home: the widowed king has unknowingly married a witch and arranged for Prince Irregang to marry her daughter...
This silhouette animated film is based on a traditional Danish folk tale.