Playing with Clay
(Spiel mit Lehm)
GDR, 1980, 18 min, color
No dialogue

Hokus Kadabra © DEFA-Stiftung
Später, Walter |
Später, Walter |
Gehm, Hedda |
Peltz, Gisela |
Bergner, Wolfgang |
Kurth, Addy |
Pieper, Manfred |
Sasse, Karl-Ernst |
A series of seven short claymation films from the DEFA Studio for Animated Films.
- Episode 1, "Spaß mit Lehm" ("Fun with Clay," 1980): A man and a woman emerge from a lump of clay, and their family soon expands to include a screaming clay baby.
- Episode 2 (1981): When their house turns into an elephant, a family argues about who will get to ride him.
- Episode 3 (1982): A lump of clay produces a sofa, a woman, and two men, who immediately begin fighting over the woman.
- Episode 4, "Unvermutet" ("Unexpected," 1983): A man builds himself a clay bed, but the leftover material turns into a pesky mouse.
- Episode 5 (1986): A clay cello man can play music using his own body.
- Episode 6 (1987): A lonely man builds himself two potential partners, who then become jealous of each other.
- Episode 7, "Hokus kadabra" ("Hocus cadabra," 1988): When a witch transforms a magician's cat into a handsome boy, he gets revenge by changing her raven into a lovely girl.