Farssmann, or On Foot Down a Dead End
(Farßmann oder zu Fuß in die Sackgasse)
Germany, 1991, 97 min, color
In German; German subtitles
Farßmann oder zu Fuß in die Sackgasse © DEFA-Stiftung, Wolfgang Ebert
Oehme, Roland |
Oehme, Roland |
Wolf, Dieter |
Schäfer, Renate |
Lenz, Jürgen |
Döhl, Dieter |
Bergemann, Werner |
Fischer, Günther |
Gwisdek, Michael |
Haase, Annemone |
Henneberg, Gerd Michael |
Marian, Michèle |
Piontek, Klaus |
Reichel, Käthe |
Schulze, Horst |
Schweizer, Viola |
Sodann, Peter |
Trettau, Martin |
Walke, Michael |
Waller, Angelika |
Wendel, Kerstin |
Themes & Genres:
Recently-divorced accountant Farssmann enjoys his quiet job at a small company and is unhappy to find himself suddenly on his way to the top. Attractive women begin flirting with him, the baker makes sure he is the first to be supplied with fresh bread, and he is put in charge of a secret transation worth millions. All this unwanted attention pushes Farssmann to the limits of his abilities and causes considerable uproar at his workplace.