GSA Film Series

3rd Annual GSA Film Series

Premiere 2006
German Studies Association conference
Pittsburgh PA


The third annual GSA Film Series presented selected titles from the Rebels with a Cause series, which had premiered at the Museum of Modern Art in New York the year before. It also paid respects to actor Erwin Geschonneck, who turned 100 years old in 2006.


The films that screened in Pittsburgh on 28 September 2006 included:

  • The Gleiwitz Case (1961, dir. Gerhard Klein)
  • The Second Track (1962, dir. Joachim Kunert)
  • Born in ’45 (1966/1990, dir. Jürgen Böttcher)
  • the short film News from the West—an episode of the Stacheltier TV series—(1955, dir. Harald Röbbeling) 
  • Carbide and Sorrel (1963, dir. Frank Beyer)


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