Filmmaker's Series

Wolfgang Kohlhaase’s U.S. tour was made possible by the DEFA Film Library at the University of Massachusetts Amherst in cooperation with the hosting institutions. Amherst film screenings were sponsored by: the UMass Departments of Communications and Germanic Languages and Literatures, and the Interdepartmental Program in Film Studies; the German Studies Department at Amherst College; and the DEFA Foundation and Progress Film-Verleih in Berlin.
The Films of Wolfgang Kohlhaase
Premiere 2004
University of Pennsylvania
In November 2004, screenwriter and director Wolfgang Kohlhaase visited four colleges and universities in the northeastern U.S. as part of a two-week tour. The films he presented highlighted the broad range of topics he has addressed in his many films. The DEFA Film Library at UMass Amherst was pleased to host Kohlhaase from November 15-17 and to screen two of his classic films rarely shown in the United States: The Gleiwitz Case and The Naked Man on the Athletic Field.
Kohlhaase’s first stop on his U.S. tour was at a conference entitled “The Long Shadow of the Berlin Wall: Fifteen Years after its Fall,” held at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia; there he took part in a panel on “Film and Media in East Germany” and screened his 1980 hit DEFA film, Solo Sunny, for which he was both co-director and screenwriter. At Connecticut College in New London and at Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine, Kohlhaase lectured on “A Special Chapter of German Terrorism” and screened his film The Legend of Rita (1999), which anticipated an increasingly widespread interest in the events and debates surrounding Baader-Meinhof and other terrorist groups in 1970s West Germany.