Thematic Series

REEL WOMEN in East Germany
REEL WOMEN in East Germany is a collection of over sixty feature and documentary films that touch on the lives and work of women in the GDR.
Originally premiering in 2012 at the German Studies Association conference in Milwaukee WI, we continue to develop and expand this catalog of films that both highlights the contributions of female creatives and features the issues and topics that touched women's lives. It was designed as an aid for programmers and teachers interested in these topics, and it organizes these diverse films into thematic groupings for planning film series, classes and research on a range of topics.
The recommended categories (RC) below are meant as suggestions for pairing films or composing thematic series that touch on various aspects of East German women’s lives and filmmaking.
For a complete listing of films suggested for each category, please see our REEL Women in East Germany catalogue.
[1] Bodies, Sex & Sports
[2] Consumer Culture
[3] Education
[4] The Holocaust
[5] Women & Justice
[6] Literature
[7] Love
[8] Memory
[9] War
[10] Motherhood
[11] The Postwar Period
[12] Science Fiction & Fantasy
[13] Travel
[14] Women & the Wende
[15] Work & Career
[16] Politics
[17] Women Artists
[18] Youth & Emancipation
[19] Female Directors
[20] Stardom & Celebrity
[21] Environment
[22] Race and Racism