This interdisciplinary faculty learning community meets to talk about issues in the scholarship of teaching learning (SoTL), the iterative, systematic inquiry into processes of student learning and experience in your course with the goal of improving those processes. SoTL is conducted by faculty in any discipline and is informed by the broader literature on teaching and student learning in higher education.
Members of the SoTL Working Group support each other in developing knowledge of SoTL, advancing project ideas, and sometimes collaborating on SoTL research. This group started in Fall 2021 and is coordinated by Colleen Kuusinen. Read more about the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning at our SoTL home page.
Join the Group!
Membership is open to all UMass instructors with an interest in SoTL. Find the list of academic year meetings on the CTL events page, or join the SoTL Working Group Listserv to get meeting reminders and extra notices on upcoming SoTL conferences, calls for proposals, and events.
Spring 2025 Meetings
Collaborative Projects
Within the broader SoTL Working Group, faculty may develop smaller group projects related to shared interests. These smaller working groups are flexible/fluid and may change as the interests of participating faculty shift. Participation in projects is an option for members.
Student Perspectives on ChatGPT (Spring 2023)
This project aims to understand how tools like ChatGPT are perceived and used among our undergraduate students. Their findings will provide opportunities for innovation and revision of teaching practices to respond to the increased accessibility of generative AI models. For preliminary results that have been shared informally around campus, please see this white paper.
In Spring 2023, this team was awarded the UMass ADVANCE Award for Equitable Practices in Collaboration - Research Collaboration (EPiC-RC). Congratulations, to the Artificial Intelligence in Education team!
Project Team Members
- Anne Bello, Writing Program
- Skylar Davidson, Sociology
- Christina DiMarco-Crook, Food Science
- Colleen Kuusinen, Center for Teaching and Learning
- Anna Marie LaChance, Chemical Engineering
- Erica Light, iCons and College of Education
- Siobhan Mei, Computer Science
- Becky Miller, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- Julia Ronconi, Nursing
- Nick Tooker, Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Torrey Trust, Teacher Education and Curriculum Studies