

CTL offers programs and services to help faculty better understand and develop their teaching effectiveness.

Through Consultations, CTL helps individual instructors as well as departments and colleges study their own teaching as a means to improve student learning.

The Midterm Assessment Process (MAP) Program, a faculty favorite and long-standing offering with broad impact on campus. This program is perhaps one of the best opportunities for faculty to work individually with CTL staff on their course instruction based on student input while a course is in progress.

Forward FOCUS (Feedback on Course Understanding and Skills) is an end-of-course confidential survey designed to give an instructor concrete and actionable student feedback.


Have a question about your teaching? We'd love to help you out. To arrange a consultation, fill out our consultation request form and someone will be in touch with you.

CTL staff talking to a faculty member

The MAP is a confidential and voluntary service that allows to instructors to get student mid-semester feedback on a course.

Forward FOCUS is an optional, confidential, and customizable course feedback survey developed by the CTL and available to UMass instructors.