
Associate Provost and Director of Center for Teaching & Learning

Claire E. Hamilton
Claire E. Hamilton is the Associate Provost and Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL). She is also an associate professor in the College of Education.
Claire E. Hamilton

Teaching Consultant Team

Assistant Director and Senior Lecturer

Brian Baldi
Brian serves as the organizational lead for CTL’s Lilly Fellowship Program for Teaching Excellence, conducts midterm assessments and teaching consultations, co-founded the Contemplative Pedagogy Working Group, and leads various workshops on teaching.
Brian Baldi

Director of Programming for Diversity, Inclusion, & Equity, and Senior Lecturer

Kirsten Helmer
Kirsten serves as the organizational lead for the TIDE (Teaching for Inclusiveness, Diversity, & Equity) Ambassadors Fellowship and the Manning Prize for Excellence in Teaching; leads workshops, develops resources, and works with departments and colleges on inclusive teaching practices and course design; and conducts midterm assessments and teaching consultations.
Kirsten Helmer

Assistant Director and Senior Lecturer

Bethany Lisi
Beth serves as the organizational lead for CTL’s Midterm Assessment Process (MAP), facilitates various CTL workshops and discussions, and consults with faculty on their syllabi, course design, and instructional strategies.
Bethany Lisi

Educational Developer and Lecturer

Colleen Kuusinen
Colleen serves as the organizational lead on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) programs and the Forward FOCUS (Feedback on Course Understanding and Skills) survey. She conducts midterm course assessments, leads workshops, and consults with faculty on course design and assessment.
Colleen Kuusinen

Educational Developer and Lecturer

Sara Cavallo
Sara consults with faculty and leads workshops and other programming related to teaching and learning and organizes the Alternative Grading Collaborative and the Distinguished Teaching Award.

Sara Cavallo

Educational Developer and Lecturer

Katie Ingraham Dixie
Katie joined the CTL this August to consult with faculty, and lead workshops and other programming related to teaching and learning.
Katie Ingraham Dixie

Operational Team

Administrative Assistant

Kahtleen De Los Santos
Kathie plans events for CTL and serves as an assistant to the director. In addition, she oversees CTL’s calendar of events and is the administrative point person for the Distinguished Teaching Award, the Manning Prize and the Flex Grant. As the first point of contact with CTL, Kathie provides information about our workshops and programs.
Kahtleen De Los Santos


Senior Fellow and Professor Emeritus

Mary Deane Sorcinelli smiling wearing a blue shirt against a light background
Mary Deane provides CTL with expert perspective on program development and implementation through her work on Advisory Boards of the Bay View Alliance (BVA), UMass TEval, and UMass ADVANCE National Science Foundation (NSF) grants. She also works with academic institutions seeking effective approaches to faculty and teaching development.
Mary Deane Sorcinelli smiling wearing a blue shirt against a light background