When going over your multiple-choice assessments, have you ever wished you had more advice on...

  • a) ... writing good multiple-choice questions?
  • b) ... implementing multiple-choice assessments from other faculty?
  • c) ... the impacts of generative AI on multiple-choice assessments?
  • d) ... using Canvas tools to evaluate how well your exams worked?
  •  e) ... giving feedback effectively to all students?
  • f) ... All of the above?


If any of the options resonated with you, join us for Multiple Choice Matters!, a half day of brief sessions and individualized consultations that tackle each of the four stages of assessment, focusing specifically on the workhorse of exams, quizzes, and formative assessments: multiple-choice questions!  Join us on Monday, 9/30for any and all sessions!


Now let’s look at what your results mean:


If none of the above were a perfect fit, join us for drop-in hours with the CTL and IDEAS at 12:10 or 2:10 pm to chat about your specific course context. No need to register. 


Check the day schedule


Time Session Location
11:20 - 11:45 

Session 1: Designing Effective Multiple-Choice Questions
Facilitators: Colleen Kuusinen and Sara Cavallo (CTL)

CTL Conference Room
(W.E.B. Du Bois Library 714)
11:45 - 12:10 Session 2: Implementing Multiple-Choice Assignments
Facilitators: Colleen Kuusinen and Sara Cavallo (CTL)
CTL Conference Room
(W.E.B. Du Bois Library 714)
12:10 - 12:30 Break / Drop-In Consultation Time with CTL and IDEAS CTL Conference Room 2
(W.E.B. Du Bois Library 702M)
12:30 - 1:30 Lunch: AI and Multiple-Choice Assessments
Facilitators: Claire Hamilton (CTL) and Dan Cannity (IDEAS)
CTL Conference Room
(W.E.B. Du Bois Library 714)
1:45 -
Session 3: Troubleshooting your MCA Results in Canvas
Facilitator: Joan Giovannini (IDEAS)
CTL Conference Room
(W.E.B. Du Bois Library 714)
2:10 - 2:35 Break / Drop-In Consultation Time with CTL and IDEAS CTL Conference Room 2
(W.E.B. Du Bois Library 702M)

2:35 - 3:00

Session 4: Giving Students Feedback on MCAs
Facilitators: Colleen Kuusinen and Sara Cavallo (CTL)
CTL Conference Room
(W.E.B. Du Bois Library 714)


Read more about each session


Session 1: Designing Good Multiple-Choice Questions

11:20 - 11:45  am

Facilitators: Colleen Kuusinen and Sara Cavallo (CTL)

Format: listening, individual activity

Writing good multiple-choice questions can be tricky. In this session, we will share some principles of good question design. Participants will take a multiple-choice quiz to illustrate some common mistakes and possible solutions.

Session 2: Implementing Multiple-Choice Assessments: Advice from Faculty (Share Fair)

11:45 am - 12:10 pm

Facilitators: Colleen Kuusinen and Sara Cavallo (CTL)

Format: small group or individual activity, discussion, moving around the room

In this interactive session, faculty will share their tips for setting students up for success as well as what to during and after the multiple-choice assessment. Come see what other UMass faculty are doing and share some tips of your own! 

Break/ Scheduled Work Time

Format: individual work time, consulting

Take a quick coffee break with some quiet working time. CTL and IDEAS will be available for a quick consultation or to schedule a future time to talk.

Lunch: AI and Multiple-Choice Assessments

12:30 - 1:30 pm

Facilitators: Claire Hamilton (CTL) and Dan Cannity (IDEAS)

Format: eating, discussion

Have you used generative AI within any stage of the cycle of assessment? We invite you to come and share your experiences, or just listen, with colleagues over lunch.  Lunch will be provided.

Session 3: Troubleshooting your Multiple-Choice Assessment Results in Canvas

1:45-2:10 pm

Facilitator: Joan Giovannini (IDEAS)

Format: listening, hands-on demonstration

In this session, featuring Joan Giovannini (IDEAS), we will discuss how to understand how well your MC questions worked when you are using Canvas as a platform to implement the exam or quiz. We will also discuss strategies for navigating when assessments go wrong, e.g. there was a mistake in the exam or students perform worse than expected, so that the student-instructor relationship is strengthened.

Break/ Scheduled Work Time

2:10-2:35 pm

Format: individual work time, consulting

Take a quick coffee break with some quiet working time. CTL and IDEAS will be available for a quick consultation or to schedule a future time to talk.

Session 4: Giving Feedback on Multiple-Choice Assignments

2:35 - 3:00 pm

Facilitators: Colleen Kuusinen and Sara Cavallo (CTL)

Format: small group activity, listening

This mini-session will explore options for providing feedback to students on multiple-choice assignments. We will discuss strategies for a variety of class sizes and instructional contexts.