Forward FOCUS (Feedback On Course Understanding and Skills) is an end-of-course confidential survey designed to give an instructor concrete and actionable student feedback to aid in fine-tuning courses for optimal student learning and engagement. 


Developed by the UMass Center for Teaching & Learning, Forward FOCUS is: 

  • Forward-looking: Which aspects of the course should remain in future iterations of the course?

  • Focused on student understanding and opportunity for skill development: What were the most valuable things that students learned in your course? 

  • Actionable: Which course activities were most valuable for students this semester? What changes would improve their learning experience? 

  • Modifiable: You can add, delete, or modify questions to fit your course. 


Currently, Forward FOCUS is available to distribute to your students using Google Forms (e.g., for Canvas users).  

  1. Log into your Umass Google account for access and then make a copy of the survey to your Google Drive. 
  2. Provide your students with a link to the survey and ask them to complete it. Sending reminders is also helpful, as well as providing them with a deadline by which to complete the survey. 

Departmental guidelines and faculty directions for implementation

For departments that have chosen the Forward FOCUS as their department course evaluation instead of SRTI.

Learn More about Forward FOCUS

Forward FOCUS in the News

  • UMass Advance leadership team members Ethel L. Mickey, Dessie Clark, and Joya Misra wrote an article for Inside Higher Ed in which the CTL’s Forward FOCUS was mentioned as one way that UMass responded to the COVID-19 pandemic to support faculty equitably.
  • The Forward FOCUS, in conjunction with the voluntary SRTI developed by ASER, was one of 5 finalists for the 2020 Innovation Award by the Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network in Higher Education.