icon shows a team with five members against a yellow background

Flash 15: Analytic Teams

Analytic teams is a collaborative learning technique that develops analytical skills by putting students in groups in which each student assumes a role needed for critical analysis.

outline of a candy wrapped in candy paper against a yellow background

Flash 15: Assignment Wrappers

Assignment wrappers are a strategy to encourage reflective practice that supports study skills and deeper engagement with course materials before or after students complete big assignments.

icon shows different geometric shapes (circle, rhombus and square) connected by arrows against a yellow background

Flash 15: Background Knowledge Probe

Background knowledge probe is a quick activity designed to set the stage for new learning experiences using recall and reflection. It helps identify strengths, gaps, misconceptions, and lived experiences that students bring to your course.

blank note against yellow background


Flash 15: Cooperative Group Work Contracts

Cooperative group work contract supports students to build towards a more inclusive form of group work. These contracts are appropriate for students working in the same groups over time. 

icon shows a sequence of stations and a circuit connecting them against a yellow background


Flash 15: Gallery Walks

A small class discussion activity that uses collaboration and movement to tap into higher order thinking.

icon shows a text with separated paragraphs and discussion balloons marking the pauses for discussion


Flash 15: Interrupted Case Study

A teaching activity with a problem-based scenario in scaffolded chunks and pauses for questions that tap into students' critical thinking.

4 black pieces of jigsaw puzzle put together against yellow background


Flash 15: Jigsaw Technique

The Jigsaw Technique is a two-step teaching structure that supports student ownership over course content through discussion and synthesis and promotes cooperative learning. 

icon shows a page of a book with highlighted words against a yellow background

Keywords is a teaching activity that encourages close reading of texts and can be particularly helpful in theory-based courses in the humanities and social sciences (or any course that involves complex readings).

The outline of a hand against a yellow background

A systematic evidence-based strategy for eliciting student class participation that diversifies student voices, increases overall student engagement, and promotes classroom equity and belonging.

icon shows a triangle on the outside of a circle and a triangle inside of the circle with a dotted arrow connecting them

Flash 15: Retrieval Practice

Retrieval practice is a learning strategy that provides students with opportunities to recall information in order to solidify the information in students' long-term memory.