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10:00 am - 11:30 am ET
Contemplative Practice Share - Contemplative Pedagogy Group Meeting

In this gathering, we will share contemplative practices we use in our work and explore how to be more present in our teaching, work, and campus communities. Facilitated by Brian Baldi (CTL) and Lena Fletcher (Environmental Conservation). For more information about the CP Group, see our webpageNo registration needed, all are welcome.


11:00 am - 1:00 pm ET
How Can We Support our Students’ Reading Comprehension? – SoTL Working Group Meeting

How do students’ reading practices in elementary and high school influence their reading practices in college? Tim DeLuca's (Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences) research examines best practices related to improving language and literacy outcomes for children in schools. After his presentation, we will discuss how reading comprehension and its component skills show up for our students in our classrooms.

1:30 pm - 2:45 pm ET
SoTL Foundations: Understanding “What Works” in my Teaching

“What works in my teaching?” Scholarship of Teaching and Learning investigators are often driven by this question (Hutchings, 2000). But how do we, as scholars, find out what works? In this interactive session, we'll introduce the basics of SoTL research, explore different sources of evidence of learning, approaches to making sense of that evidence, and ethical considerations. Through time-saving decisions, you can complete a small SoTL project that provides actionable and shareable insight into student learning in your course.

12:30 pm - 1:15 pm ET
Why Don’t Students Follow Instructions?

In this interactive workshop, you will learn about some simple but powerful time-saving tweaks you can make to your assignment instructions that help students focus on what to do and how to do it.

4:00 pm - 5:30 pm ET
Embracing AI as Essential Learning: Preparing Students for Life Beyond College, with C. Edward Watson

AI have had a quick impact on the ways we learn, work, think, and create. And it is now clear that AI competencies and literacies must be embraced as essential learning for most colleges and universities. Drawing from his new book, Teaching with AI, Dr. C. Edward Watson will detail the challenges and opportunities that have emerged for higher education, especially in terms of pedagogical practice and student learning. 

11:00 am - 1:00 pm ET
Are Your Course Materials Worth the Cost? - SoTL Working Group Meeting

Textbook prices have risen 1041% since 1977, 2.5 times the rate of inflation. What is a faculty member to do to make their classes more equitable and up-to-date? Brokk Toggerson (Physics) will share how he used the abundance of free quality materials available on the internet and created his own text for Physics 131, an introductory course. Come discuss how it is actually easier than it seems to create a resource specifically tailored to your course.  

10:00 am - 11:30 am ET
Mindfulness and the Self: How Contemplative Practice Can Help Self-Understanding - Contemplative Pedagogy Group Meeting

In this gathering, Richard Liu (Psychological and Brain Sciences) will share his experience designing and teaching a course on the psychology of the self, which explored how we construct our sense of self and how that construction evolves. Join us to hear how Dr. Liu used mindfulness meditation to aid students in their journey of self-observation, self-understanding, and self-improvement.


2:00 pm - 3:15 pm ET
Alternative Grading Collaborative

In this Alternative Collaborative Group meeting, we will discuss the value of promoting student autonomy and building in choice in ways that are sustainable (for the students and for faculty). No registration needed, all are welcome.

11:00 am - 1:00 pm ET
Can UDL make neuroscience majors more inclusive? - SoTL Working Group Meeting

Explore how Universal Design for Learning (UDL) can transform neuroscience education for undergraduate students by creating accessible, equitable learning environments. 


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