How does the Dr. Mei-Yau Shih Professional Development Fund provide enhanced opportunities for faculty to further their knowledge of teaching and learning?


The Dr. Mei-Yau Shih Speaker Series launches Spring 2025 with:

Embracing AI as Essential Learning: Preparing Students for Life Beyond College, with C. Edward Watson

C. Edward Watson

AI have had a quick impact on the ways we learn, work, think, and create. And it is now clear that AI competencies and literacies must be embraced as essential learning for most colleges and universities. Drawing from his new book, Teaching with AI, Dr. C. Edward Watson will detail the challenges and opportunities that have emerged for higher education, especially in terms of pedagogical practice and student learning.


Teaching with AI: Faculty Reading Circle

Cover of the book Teaching With AI, which shows a computer-created apple against a blue background

Are you curious about leveraging AI in your teaching and course design? Looking to understand how AI might enhance your course assignments and student learning? Join colleagues from across campus to explore José Antonio Bowen and C. Edward Watson’s, Teaching with AI: A Practical Guide to a New Era of Human Learning. Kirsten Helmer will offer two different groups, an in person series meeting in the CTL Conference Room and a fully online series through Zoom.

Whether you're curious, cautious, or concerned about generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) in education, this reading circle welcomes faculty at all levels of AI familiarity – from those just beginning to consider its implications to those already experimenting with GenAI in their teaching.

Additionally, all participants will be invited to join a special session with book author C. Edward Watson.


How does the Dr. Mei-Yau Shih Professional Development Fund support innovative ways to mentor professionals engaged in educational development?


The Dr. Mei-Yau Shih Exchange begins in Spring 2025 with:

A collaboration between CTL and the Center for Teaching and Learning Development [CTLD] at National Taiwan University. Ms. I-Fan Chang, a senior educational developer at CTLD, will visit our campus in March and share with us ways that her center supports faculty with classroom observations, new faculty orientation and special event programming for senior faculty. As Deputy Provost Chih-Kang Chiang from the National Taiwan University noted “[Dr. Shih] had a close connection with CTLD and instrumental in helping us build the foundation of our teaching consultation programs. We are truly grateful for the establishment of this fund and believe this partnership will be a fitting tribute to her memory.”

How does the Dr. Mei-Yau Shih Professional Development Fund celebrates Mei's passion for working with new faculty and her love of books. 


New Faculty Book Distribution and Community

Cover of the book Small Teaching

We shared all 123 new faculty members in the 2024/25 academic year a copy of the book Small Teaching: Everyday Lessons from the Science of Learning as a welcome gift to their new professional step. And we welcomed them to several community gatherings in the Center for Teaching and Learning.




Dr. Mei-Yau Shih Library

Located at the 7th Floor of the W.E.B Du Bois Library, Dr. Mei-Yau Shih’s library (in implementation) is a space devoted to establishing and supporting a library at the Center for faculty to review reference materials and to provide a casual environment of scholarly exchange and communication.