Health Tech for the People (HT4P)
The focus of this new thrust is the ethics of technology and accountable, human-centered design, evaluation and translation of health monitoring technologies for the public interest. This research thrust incubates interdisciplinary and community-led teams and technologies in the domains of aging care and reproductive health.
Draws on expertise and existing collaborations across and beyond IALS/CPHM, including partnerships with the Public Interest Technology initiative, the Center for Nursing and Engineering Innovation, the Center for Community Health Equity Research, the Massachusetts AI & Technology Center for Connected Care in Aging & Alzheimer’s Disease and the Computational Social Science Institute.
The thrust serves as a resource and consultation space for all of IALS and CPHM, offering interdisciplinary and community-directed expertise for IALS researchers and innovators on human-centered design and the ethics of tech and engagement with community partners/co-creators.
Co-Leads: Ravi Karkar (CICS), Rae Walker (Nursing)
Health Tech for the People Graduate Fellowship on Ethics of Health Technology
HT4P is a graduate student fellows program. We are excited to announce the Graduate Student Fellows for Spring 2024. Each fellow will receive up to $1500, with a minimum award of $1000.
The purpose of the HT4P graduate fellowship is to encourage graduate students to integrate considerations of ethics of technology and accountable, human-centered design, evaluation and translation of health monitoring technologies for the public interest into their program of research with mentorship support and community.
Additional Information:
Agenda: HT4P Launch Agenda.docx
Slides from the event: HT4P Launch Sept 18 2023 Slides.pptx
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