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Xian Du

Associate Professor

Dr. Xian Du received his Ph.D. degree in the program of Innovation of Manufacturing Systems and Technology from the Singapore-MIT Alliance. Dr. Xian Du is a recipient of the 2020 NSF Career award. His current research focuses on the scale-up of the roll to roll manufacturing processes from lab to industry which requires high-precision in-line inspection and pattern recognition technologies for quality control. Micro-scale and nano-scale inspections in a large area with high throughput can facilitate metrology and inspection during manufacturing at low costs and high speeds. Meanwhile, he has research interests in the quantitative assessment of clinical images that require automatic, accurate, and robust computation tools in medical devices for detection and description of biomarkers.

Current Research

1. Online inspection and feedback control of flexible electronics printing process.

2. 3D segmentation and and point pattern matching and tracking of medical images such as a MRI of the muscle.


Academic Background

  • PhD in Manufacturing Systems and Technology from the Singapore-MIT Alliance at the National University of Singapore, 2007
  • CNRS Postdoctoral Fellow at CREATIS lab in France
  • Louisiana EPSCoR RII Fellow at Louisiana Tech University
  • Research scientist at MIT
Jingyang Yan and Xian Du, “Real-time web tension prediction using web moving speed and natural vibration frequency.” Measurement Science and Technology, vol. 31, no 11, 2020.
Xian Du, David Hardt, Brian Anthony, “Real time imaging of invisible micron-scale monolayer patterns on a moving web using condensation figure." IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2019.2914632, 2019.
Xian Du and Jingyang Yan, “Tension prediction using web moving speed and natural vibration frequency.” TechConnect Briefs, vol. TechConnect Briefs 2019, pp. 466 – 469, 2019.
Ina Kundu, Xian Du, and Brian Anthony. "Imaging platforms for registering and analyzing the skin microrelief structure." In Proceedings of SPIE Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems XII, vol. 10600, p. 106000U. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2018.
Ian Lee, Xian Du, and Brian Anthony, "Hair segmentation using adaptive threshold from edge and branch length measures." Computers in biology and medicine, vol. 89, pp. 314-324, 2017.
Xian Du, Brian W. Anthony, “Controlled angular and radial scanning for super resolution concentric circular imaging,” Optics Express, vol. 24, no. 20, pp. 22581-22595, 2016 (US20170371142A).
Xian Du, Nigel C. Kojimoto, and Brian W. Anthony, “Concentric Circular Trajectory Sampling for Super-Resolution and Image Mosaicing,” Journal of the Optics Society of America A, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 293-304, 2015 (US20170371142A).
Xian Du, Brian, W. Anthony, “A concentric circle scanning system for large-area and high-precision imaging,” Optics Express, vol. 23, no. 15, pp. 20014-20029, 2015 (US20170371142A).
Xian Du, Brian W. Anthony, and Nigel C. Kojimoto, “Grid-Based Matching for Full-Field Large-Area Deformation Measurement,” Optics and Lasers in Engineering, vol. 66, pp. 307-309, 2014.
Contact Info

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
S421 Life Science Lab
240 Thatcher Way
Amherst, MA 01003-9292

