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Mark Miller

Assistant Professor

The focus of the research in the laboratory is investigating the effects of aging and exercise on human skeletal muscle in males and females at the molecular, single fiber, tissue and whole body levels. The goal is to understand how alterations at the molecular and single fiber levels affect whole muscle contraction in order to find potential sex-specific countermeasures to prevent the age-related loss of muscle performance. The laboratory combines the use of advanced engineering methods to measure muscle function at the molecular and single fiber levels with imaging techniques to examine muscle structure from the myofibril to the tissue level, biochemical techniques to quantify proteins as well as techniques to analyze the whole body skeletal muscle contractile performance.

Learn more at www.umass.edu/sphhs/person/faculty/mark-s-miller

Academic Background

  • B.S. University of Colorado
  • M.S. University of Colorado
  • Ph.D. University of Vermont
  • Post-Doctoral Fellowship, University of Vermont
Straight CR, Ades PA, Toth MJ, Miller MS. Age-related reduction in single muscle fiber calcium sensitivity is associated with decreased muscle power in men and women. Experimental Gerontology 102, 84-92, 2018.
Miller MS, Callahan DM, Tourville TW, Slauterbeck JR, Savage PD, Ades PA, Beynnon BD, Toth MJ. Moderate-intensity resistance exercise alters skeletal muscle molecular and cellular structure and function in inactive, older adults with knee osteoarthritis. Journal of Applied Physiology 122(4), 775-787, 2017.
Toth MJ, Callahan DM, Miller MS, Tourville TW, Hackett SB, Couch ME, Dittus K. Skeletal muscle fiber size and fiber type distribution in human cancer: Effects of weight loss and relationship to physical function. Clinical Nutrition 35(6), 1359-1365, 2016.
Miller MS, Bedrin NG, Ades PA, Palmer BM, Toth MJ. Molecular determinants of force production in human skeletal muscle fibers: Effects of myosin isoform expression and cross-sectional area. American Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology 308(6), C473-C484, 2015.
Miller MS, Callahan DM, Toth MJ. Skeletal muscle myofilament adaptations to aging, disease and disuse and their effects on whole muscle performance in older adult humans. Frontiers in Physiology 5:369, 1-15, 2014.
Callahan DM, Bedrin NG, Subramanian M, Berking J, Ades PA, Toth MJ, Miller MS. Age-related structural alterations in human skeletal muscle fibers and mitochondria are sex-specific: Relationship to single-fiber function. Journal of Applied Physiology 116(12), 1582-1592, 2014.
Miller MS, Bedrin NG, Callahan DM, Previs MJ, Jennings II ME, Ades PA, Maughan DW, Palmer BM, Toth MJ. Age-related slowing of myosin actin cross-bridge kinetics is sex specific and predicts decrements in whole skeletal muscle performance in humans. Journal of Applied Physiology 115(7), 1004-1014, 2013.
Miller MS, Toth MJ. Myofilament protein loss and dysfunction promote physical disability in aging and disease. Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews 41(2), 93-99, 2013.
Callahan DM, Miller MS, Sweeny AP, Tourville TW, Slauterbeck JR, Savage PD, Maughan DW, Ades PA, Beynnon BD, Toth MJ. Muscle disuse alters skeletal muscle contractile function at the molecular and cellular levels in older adult humans in a sex-specific manner. Journal of Physiology 592(20), 4555-4573, 2014.
Toth MJ, Miller MS, Callahan DM, Sweeney AP, Nunez I, Grunberg SM, Der-Torossian H, Couch ME, Dittus K. Molecular mechanisms underlying skeletal muscle weakness in human cancer: Reduced myosin-actin cross-bridge formation and kinetics. Journal of Applied Physiology 114(7), 858-868, 2013.
Contact Info

Department Kinesiology
106 Totman Building
30 Eastman Lane
Amherst, MA 01003

(413) 577-4701
