Jun Yao
My main interest includes the synthesis and electrical characterizations of nanomaterials; exploring novel nanoelectronic and bioelectronic devices and sensors; developing large-scale assembly techniques to integrate these nanoelements for functional systems such as computing circuits, biochips, wearable electronics, and implantable biomedical devices.
Current Research:
Developing novel nanoelectronic and bioelectronic sensors and devices; Integrating sensors, devices on soft-material scaffold for as wearable or implantable electronic systems for health/physiology monitoring.
Learn more at: www.junyaoumass.org
Academic Background:
2011–2017 Postdoc, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University
2006–2012 Ph.D. Applied Physics, Rice University,
2003–2006 M.S. Physics, Fudan University, Shanghai, China
1999–2003 B.S. Electrical Engineering, Fudan University, Shanghai, China