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Jane Kent

Professor and Chair

The focus of research in the Muscle Physiology Lab is related to quantifying age, gender, and activity based changes in human skeletal muscle function. We use a combination of non-invasive techniques to measure the roles of neural activation, intramuscular metabolism, contractile function, and blood flow in the development of muscle fatigue in a variety of populations. The primary source of funding for our work is the National Institutes of Health (NIA).

Learn more at https://blogs.umass.edu/jkent/

Academic Background

  • BA California State University, Long Beach,1980
  • MA California State University, Long Beach, 1983
  • PhD University of Southern California, 1987
Larsen RG, Callahan DM, Foulis SA, Kent-Braun JA. Age-Related Changes in Oxidative Capacity Differ Between Locomotory Muscles and Are Associated With Physical Activity Behavior. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. [In press]
Callahan DM, Kent-Braun JA. Effect of Old Age on Human Skeletal Muscle Force-Velocity and Fatigue Properties. J Appl Physiol. 2011 Aug 25. [Epub ahead of print]
Christie A, Snook EM, Kent-Braun JA. Systematic review and meta-analysis of skeletal muscle fatigue in old age. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2011 Apr;43(4):568-77. Review.
Lanza IR, Tevald MA, Befroy DE, Kent-Braun JA. Intracellular energetics and critical PO2 in resting ischemic human skeletal muscle in vivo. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2010 Nov;299(5):R1415-22.
Tevald MA, Foulis SA, Lanza IR, Kent-Braun JA. Lower energy cost of skeletal muscle contractions in older humans. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2010 Mar;298(3):R729-39.
Larsen RG, Callahan DM, Foulis SA, Kent-Braun JA. In vivo oxidative capacity varies with muscle and training status in young adults. J Appl Physiol. 2009 Sep;107(3):873-9.
Sasaki JE1, Hickey A, Staudenmayer J, John D, Kent JA, Freedson PS. Performance of activity classification algorithms in free-living older adults. Med Sci Sports Exerc 48(5):941-50, 2016
Callahan DM, Umberger BR, Kent JA. Mechanisms of in vivo muscle fatigue in humans: Investigating age-related fatigue resistance with a computational model. J Physiol. 594(12): 3407-21, 2016
Christie AD, Seery E, Kent JA. Physical activity, sleep quality, and self-reported fatigue across the adult lifespan. Exp Geront 77:7-11, 2016
Chung LH, Angelo J, van Emmerik REA, Kent JA. Energy cost of walking, symptomatic fatigue and perceived exertion in persons with Multiple Sclerosis. Gait Posture 48:215-9, 2016
Christie AD, Foulis SA, Kent JA. ATP cost of muscle contraction is associated with motor unit discharge rate in humans. Neurosci Lett 629:186-8, 2016
Fitzgerald LF, Christie AD, Kent JA. Heterogeneous effects of old age on human muscle oxidative capacity in Vivo: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab 41(11):1137-1145, 2016
Kent JA, Ørtenblad N, Hogan MC, Poole DC, Musch TI. No muscle is an island: Integrative perspectives on muscle fatigue. Med Sci Sports Exer 48(11):2281-2293, 2016
Kent JA, Fitzgerald LF. In vivo mitochondrial function in aging skeletal muscle: capacity, flux, and patterns of use. J Appl Physiol 121(4):996-1003, 2016
Foulis SA, Jones SL, van Emmerik RE, Kent JA.Post-fatigue recovery of power, postural control and physical function in older women. PLoS One. 2017 Sep 7;12(9):e0183483.
Contact Info

Department of Kinesiology
111 Totman Building 
30 Eastman Lane
Amherst, MA 01003

LSL S317


(413) 545-9477
