About Us


Facilities Front Entrance, view towards Mullins CenterABOUT US: RESOURCES



Campus Planning supports the mission and strategic initiatives of the University of Massachusetts by informing and guiding the development of an effective and creative campus fabric. We collect, analyze, and communicate information that helps campus leadership better steward our physical, built, and planned-to-be-built assets. We work toward the vision expressed in the 2012 Master Plan framework, through the creation of campus spaces and places, infrastructure that support future needs, and clear direction toward sustainable facilities, all programmed to meet changing needs. We continue the efforts to collaborate inside and outside the campus community and communicate an on-going planning process, supported by the use of dynamic and innovative planning tools, to produce creative, comprehensive, and feasible solutions. 



"Planners make plans.  They draw pictures of future landscapes.  They study problems and write up alternative solutions." - from Charles Hock, What Planners Do: Power, Politics, and Persuasion

Campus Planning staff serve the campus community by developing plans for space, facilities and the campus physical environment. We think strategically and examine how physical spaces can best support the University's academic goals and community life.  We work with clients from every level of the UMass organization to define their need, whether it is space for a new hire, a building renovation, an approach to maintaining historical assets or to reducing campus greenhouse gas emissions.  We identify project stakeholders and a process for decision making, provide analysis, alternatives, evaluation and recommendations, and propose an implementation scheme to decision makers. We work closely with the Deputy Chancellor and Chief Planning Officer and the Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities and Campus Services to prioritize issues of sustainability, accessibility, optimal land use, fiscal responsibility and neighborhood impact to provide a long-term vision that promotes the best possible environment for the fulfillment of the UMass Amherst mission.

Some of our plans serve a department's immediate needs or long term vision, others are comprehensive plans that serve the entire campus community by providing vision and guidance for meeting future challenges. We collaborate with university designers, engineers and project managers on the planning, programming and design of capital and capital renewal projects.  We work with groups and committees on and off-campus to maintain physical data for decision-making, to communicate a comprehensive vision for the physical campus and to coordinate the many initiatives that implement it, so that each project provides the greatest value to the campus community.

Planning Graphic



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