UMass Student Support Resources

  • Active Minds: A national organization supporting a network of campus-based chapters made up of students passionate about mental health advocacy and education. They work towards changing the conversation around mental health and reducing stigma.
  • UMass Active Minds Facebook page

Crisis Contacts

Additional Services

  • Center for Multicultural Advancement and Student Success (CMASS)
    Cultural enrichment, academic support, student development and support for institutional diversity.
    • Wilder Hall, 221 Stockbridge Road
    • (413) 545-2517
  • Center for Health Promotion (CHP)
    Trainings, guest lecturers and presentations for classes and other groups; resources and referrals on health-related issues; services that promote responsible decision-making regarding alcohol and other drug use, on campus and in the community.
  • Center for Women and Community
    24-hour rape crisis service; counseling; support groups; training and community organization on issues of violence against women; advocacy and cultural, educational, and social programs for women of color.
    • New Africa House, 180 Infirmary Way
    • (413) 545-0883
    • 24 Hour Rape Crisis Hotline: (413) 545-0800
  • Dean of Students Office
    Student support, resources and referrals.
    • 227 Whitmore Admin. Bldg.
    • (413) 545-2684
  • UMass Men and Masculinities Center
    Supports the development of healthy masculinities at UMass Amherst and beyond from male positive, multicultural, and pro-feminist perspectives.
  • Residential Life
    • (413) 545-2100
  • Ombuds Office
    Help with grade disputes, roommate conflicts, financial aid problems, academic dishonesty charges and other university-related issues.
    • Campus Center, Room 823
    • (413) 545-0867
  • Office of Religious and Spiritual Life
    Educational programs, individual and institutional advocacy, interfaith dialogue, meditation groups and referral to pastoral counseling and support services.
    • 308 Student Union
    • (413) 545-9642
  • Disability Services
    Support and accommodations for people with physical and psychological disabilities.
    • 161 Whitmore Admin Bldg.
    • (413) 545-0892
  • Psychological Services Center
    A community mental health clinic operated by the Division of Clinical Psychology.
    • Tobin Hall, Room 123
    • (413) 545-2383
  • Stonewall Center
    A bisexual, gay, lesbian, queer and transgender educational resource center.
    • Crampton Hall, 256 Sunset Ave.
    • (413) 545-4824
  • University Health Services
    Comprehensive health and wellness services for the UMass Amherst campus community.
    • 150 Infirmary Way
    • (413) 577-5000 (24/7 triage and medical advice)
  • Veteran Services
    Programming and support for families, actively serving military members, and separated veterans.
    • 19 Dickinson Hall
    • (413) 545-0939