Take a Workshop | Become a Facilitator
The Body Project is an evidence-based prevention program designed to increase body acceptance and decrease risk factors for eating disorders. Research shows that when participants talk about the “appearance ideal” shown in the mass media and how to challenge pressures to conform, it improves participants’ body perception and reduces the risk of developing eating disorders.
Join the Body Project
Engage in open conversations about body image over two two-hour sessions led by trained peer facilitators. Workshops are conducted in a brave and welcoming environment designed to help participants resist cultural pressures to conform to the appearance ideal standard of beauty, reduce their pursuit of unrealistic bodies, and empower them to create and affirm positive body image. Although designed for female-identifying students, content is gender-inclusive and we welcome anyone who wants to learn how to engage with their body in a more helpful way.
Body Project Workshops
The program consists of two two-hour skill-building workshops led by trained UMass peer facilitators. These sessions are held both in person and on Zoom.
During the two sessions we will:
- Define the appearance ideal and explore its origin
- Examine the costs of pursuing this ideal
- Explore ways to resist pressures to conform to an appearance ideal
- Discuss how to challenge our personal body-related concerns
- Learn new ways to talk more positively about our bodies, and
- Talk about how we can best respond to future pressures to conform to an appearance ideal
The Body Project workshop will be offered in person and remotely during spring semester.
Become a Body Project Facilitator
Train to become a Body Project facilitator and lead group conversations that support young women in developing healthy body image. In a free two-day training, you’ll learn valuable facilitation skills for work in small teams and put that training to use in our UMass community. For-credit internship available.
If you’re interested, email umassbodyproject@gmail.com for more information.
Stay in the know
Note: Content of the program may be triggering. The Body Project is not treatment for persons struggling with eating disorders or disordered eating. Center for Counseling and Psychological Health offers support to those with body image concerns, disordered eating, and/or eating disorders. Please call (413) 545-2337 to learn about available services and support.
Descriptions borrowed in part from Body Project Collaborative and The Body Project.