Main Functions of the Property Office:

Equipment Tagging: All equipment, as defined below, is tagged and recorded in the asset management system. 

Equipment Inventory: The Property Office assists campus departments with periodic inventory observations, understanding equipment requirements and procedures, and keeping equipment records up to date.

Disposal/Surplus Property: All disposals of surplus equipment assets must be coordinated with the Property Office.  We assist departments in determining the appropriate disposal method for their surplus.

What is Equipment?

Equipment is a standalone, movable, and externally visible item. It has a unit price of $5,000 or more, a life expectancy of two years or more, and is repairable.

In addition, any computer, laptop, or tablet at any unit value needs to be tagged and tracked.

Forms for Departments

FAQs for Departments

Please see a list of frequently asked questions:

Additional Information

Please see additional information on various terms and processes for handling certain asset types.