Community Relations News


Commencement for this coming spring at UMass Amherst has been re-envisioned to celebrate the entire Class of 2023—both undergraduate and graduate students—at one ceremony on Friday, May 26, 2023 at 9 a.m. at McGuirk Alumni Stadium.

In addition, graduates will also be honored at a variety of special events. Immediately following Commencement on May 26, a Hooding Ceremony will be held at the stadium for doctoral candidates. Later in the day on Friday and throughout Saturday, Senior Recognition Ceremonies will be held across campus by schools, colleges and other university programs, where undergraduates can have their names called and walk across a stage to be individually recognized.

On Saturday, May 27, the Stockbridge School of Agriculture will conduct its Associate Degrees Commencement at 11 a.m. in Bowker Auditorium.

Amherst to Host 2nd Community Forum: A Conversation about our Downtown

Amherst Hosts Community Forum #2 A Conversation about our Downtown

(November 22, 2017) The Town of Amherst Select Board, Planning Board, and Town Manager invite you to the second in a series of community forums on Downtown Amherst on Wednesday, December 6, 2017, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. in the Bangs Community Center, 70 Boltwood Walk. The purpose of the forum is to continue our discussion about the Downtown – our town center – and to begin to make a plan for the future. We want to hear from everyone – residents, students, business people, workers, walkers, bicyclists, movie-goers, library patrons, shoppers, visitors – whoever you are.

The last time we met we gathered input about what we love about Downtown Amherst and what needs to be improved. This time we will be focusing in on how to preserve what we love and how to shape our Downtown for the future.

Join us and express yourself in this interactive forum. We want to know what you think.

Colleges, Cities Find Creative Ways to Bridge Town-Gown Divide

  • Tony Maroulis, executive director of external relations and university events, is interviewed about how officials at UMass Amherst work with town officials to deal with a variety of issues related to student behavior, especially in neighborhoods that abut the campus. He also discusses economic development issues. The segment begins at 7:45 in the “Colleges find Create Ways….” portion of the broadcast. (WNPR [Conn.]

Amherst Police explore ways to curb partying through ‘environmental changes’ to property

From the Daily Hampshire Gazette (subscription required)

AMHERST — Amherst Police, meet landscape architecture.

Police in recent months have turned to the concepts of environmental design — installing or removing fences and vegetation, enhancing lighting and improving security — in hopes of cutting down on partying hotspots in town.

“This is about how to reduce crime through subtle or significant changes to the environment,” said William Laramee, the Amherst Police neighborhood liaison officer.

Read more


UMass Amherst Master Plan Update Scheduled

January 13, 2017

AMHERST – University of Massachusetts Amherst officials will present a public update on the campus master plan on Tuesday, Jan. 24 at 5:30 p.m. in 162-65 Campus Center.

Thomas Shaw, director of Design and Construction Management, said the presentation will include a review of planning and construction since 2013 and will show how that reality matches the master plan.

Party Smart Pilot Program Enjoys Initial Success to Help Reduce Neighborhood Noise Complaints

January 10, 2017

Contact: Ed Blaguszewski 413/545-0444

AMHERST, Mass. – Party Smart, a pilot program encouraging off-campus UMass Amherst students to register gatherings with the Amherst Police to reduce noise complaints and increase student responsibility at social gatherings, is off to a successful start, according to representatives of the Campus and Community Coalition to Reduce High-Risk Drinking (CCC).

Since its launch in September 2016, the program has registered 169 parties, with 13 receiving a courtesy phone call. No follow-up responses were required by police.

New Twitter Account to Promote Campus Events

UMass Amherst has launched a new Twitter account specifically to promote campus events, particularly student-focused events.

@EventsUMass ( draws from the online campus calendar——showcasing one or more campus events each day, seven days a week.

The campus calendar is the central location for all events on campus.

Members of the campus community—students, faculty and staff—are encouraged to submit events to the calendar to give the events they organize broad online exposure on the web and in social media.

CCC to Present SAMHSA Town Hall Meeting October 18

AMHERST, Mass. – The UMass Amherst Campus and Community Coalition to Reduce High-Risk Drinking (CCC) presents “Visioning a Vibrant and Safe Nightlife Locally: It’s Your Turn to Speak Up!” on Tuesday, Oct. 18, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. The event will be held at AmherstWorks, 11 Amity St., in downtown Amherst. The event is free and open to the public

What is the role of alcohol venues in driving the local economy? Who misses out? How do we engage all citizens in bringing vitality, arts, culture, retail, food, drink and more to one of the Best College Towns in America? This local event will explore the vision of a vibrant and safe nightlife that fosters community and revitalizes the economy, promotes fun, entertainment and lively all-ages options.

50th Annual Community Breakfast

50th Annual Community Breakfast is set for August 30.

The 50th Annual Community Breakfast, brought to you by UMass Amherst and the Amherst Area Chamber of Commerce, is scheduled for Tuesday, August 30, 7:30 am. More information is to come on the area's premiere Town-Gown event!