The University-Town of Amherst Collaborative (UTAC) is a joint initiative of the Town of Amherst and the University of Massachusetts Amherst. It is made up of Amherst residents, UMass Amherst town and university officials, and UMass Amherst students.
UTAC is an advisory council to the town manager and chancellor which provides leadership and ideas, while building support for future joint endeavors.
The UMass Amherst Community Campaign (UMACC) is an employee benefit that allows faculty, staff, and retirees to donate to any non-profit organization.
UMACC demonstrates to the community that UMass Amherst employees are committed to helping make the world a better place. Since 1991, employees have donated almost $8 million to charitable organizations through UMACC.
The Campus and Community Coalition to Reduce High-Risk Drinking (CCC) works to promote responsible decision-making about alcohol and other drug use.
The group identifies factors supporting high-risk and illegal drinking; analyze data; and implement proven and promising strategies to create positive change. The CCC seeks to improve the health, safety and wellbeing of our communities.