The UMass Amherst Community Campaign (UMACC) launched on September 26 with a kick-off event and Charity Fair. Almost 200 people attended the event, which included live music, refreshments, representatives from over 30 local nonprofit organizations, and one cat.
As of November 1, we have raised $136,000 from 238 people, which is about 32% of our goal to raise $430,000 for nonprofit organizations this year.
In an effort to get the word out to more people about what UMACC is, and what it isn't, I've been visiting departments across campus to give a short presentation about UMACC. So far I've given the presentation to 23 departments and groups. All have been very welcoming (one even offered wine and cheese!). It's been great to get to see and meet people where they are across campus; I've made my first visit to many buildings that I had never been in before.
We have erected outdoor signs in three locations across campus, which display the progress of UMACC and of the UMass Faculty and Staff campaign. (UMACC raises money for community nonprofits; the Faculty and Staff campaign raises money for UMass). The three locations are: in front of Machmer Hall (across from the Student Union), outside Boyden Gymnasium (corner of Massachusetts and Commonewealth Aves.), and outside the Newman Center (corner of N. Pleasant and Massachusetts Ave.)
UMACC online giving is open now: