Nora Suren
PhD candidate (ABD)
Diversity Predoctoral Fellow, Women’s and Gender Studies and Comparative Media Studies/Writing, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Nora Suren is a PhD candidate (all but dissertation) in Communication at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst and a Diversity Pre-Doctoral Fellow at MIT. She studies social media cultures, influencers/digital content creators, and platformization of creative labor using digital ethnographic methods and in-depth interviews. Her research interests also include issues of identity, femininity, and social advocacy.
Social media cultures, influencers, platformization, identity, femininity, social advocacy
- North Carolina State University: MS in Communication
- Istanbul University: BA in English Literature
Yalin, A., Suren, N., & Ong, J.C. (2024). “Medical populism, nationalism, and parody: Unmasking digital dissent in Turkey’s COVID-19 landscape”. In Briant, E. & Bakir, V. (eds.) Routledge Handbook on the Influence Industry. London & New York: Routledge.
Suren, N. (2022). “This is the kind of influencer we want to see!” A study of body representation among Instagram influencers. In S. S. LeBlanc & K. M. Hopper (Eds.), One size does not fit all: Undressing the performance of bodies in popular culture (pp. 47-66). Lexington Books.
- Suren, N. (2022). An actor-network approach: The role of art in public spaces in the Gezi protests. In V. A. Newsom & L. M. Lengel (Eds.), Embodied activisms: Performative expressions of political and social action (pp. 151-173). Lexington Books.
- Scharrer, E., Ali Durrani, A., Suren, N., Kang, Y., Zhou, Y., & Butterworth, E. (2023). Early adolescents’ views of gender on YouTube in the context of a critical media literacy program. The Communication Review, 1-20.
- Scharrer, E., Kang, Y., Zhou, Y., Durrani, A. A., Suren, N., & Butterworth, E. (2022). Tough Guys and Trucks: Early Adolescents’ Critical Analysis of Masculinity in a TV Commercial. International Journal of Communication, 16(0), 20.