N358 Integrative Learning Center


My research interests include cultural production, sexual representation, feminist media studies, and cultural studies of social class, with essays in a number of collections and such journals as Key Words: A Journal of Cultural Materialism, the International Journal of Communication, Signs, Journal of Communication, GLQ, Feminist Media Studies, and Screen. In most projects, these categories combine and redefine each other while addressing questions of personal, community and institutional power and autonomy. My work also addresses questions of feeling, identification and everyday life, in the interest of studying communication practices in as deeply and broadly contextualized a way as I can, and in the spirit--when it makes sense--of optimism and social solidarity.  New projects on artist/scholar collaboration and on friendship as political form speak to those questions and commitments. Love and Money: Queers, Class and Cultural Production, a 2014 finalist in LGBT Studies for a Lambda Literary Award, is available from NYU Press. For a podcast interview about Love and Money, visit Books Aren't Dead at the Fembot Collective: 


PhD, University of Pennsylvania

Courses Taught

Undergraduate: Introduction to Media and Culture; Media, Culture and Global Citizenship; Communication Inquiry (Research Methods); Advanced Seminar in Popular Culture; Popular Culture and Cultural Production Capstone. Graduate: Media Theory; The Politics of Sexual Representation; Class Cultures; Field Research in Media and Cultural Studies; Cultural Production Research


"Representation," in Jonathan Gray and Laurie Ouellette (eds.) Key Words in Media Studies, New York: NYU, in press.

"Queers and Class: Toward a Cultural Politics of Friendship," Key Words: A Journal of Cultural Materialism 13, The Raymond Williams Society, 17-38.

"Communication, Sexuality, Defamiliarization," International Journal of Communication 7, 2468-2481, 2013.

Love and Money: Queers, Class, and Cultural Production, New York: NYU Press, 2013.

"Sexual Healing," GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, special issue on the scholarship Gayle S. Rubin, 17(1), 125-134, Spring 2011.

"Body Optimism," International Journal of Communication 4, 2010 (Feature)

"Queer Relay," GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, 14(4), September 2008

"Every Queer Thing We Know," The Massachusetts Review, special queer issue edited by John Emil Vincent, 49(1/2), Spring-Summer 2008

"Queer visibility and social class," in Kevin Barnhurst (ed.) Media Queered: Visibility and its Discontents. New York: Peter Lang, 2007

"Feminism, Sexuality, Media Studies," Feminist Media Studies 1(1), Spring 2001

Current Projects

New projects address artist-scholar collaboration, the role of cultural production and participation in thriving, and queer studies of friendship.