Kathryn Burrell
PhD student
Kathryn Burrell is a Communication Ph.D. student at the University of Massachusetts Amherst specializing in Film Studies. She holds an M.A. in Communication with an emphasis in Documentary Studies from Northern Arizona University. She also holds a B.A. in Theatre and Film Studies from Georgia Southern University, where she worked with the Emmy award-winning multimedia office on broadcasting, production, and photography. Her work is currently focused on questions of genre, audiences, devices, and their cultural intersections, as well as historiography of culture and genre in films and archives.You can visit her portfolio website at kathrynburrell.com.
genre theory, film history, documentary film, audience research, cultural studies, popular culture, media studies.
Courses Taught
COMM 140 Introduction to Film Studies
COMM 231 Public Speaking
Current Projects
Recent Conference Presentations:
Popular Culture Association 2023: “From Shield to Ass: Revisiting Robert Jewett’s Captain America Complex in Contemporary Films and Television.”
Cultural Studies Association 2023: “Historiography in the Film Archive: Making New Conclusions About The American Immigration Film.”