Briankle Chang
My research interests include cultural studies, media theory and criticism, and philosophy of communication.
PhD, University of Illinois-Urbana
Courses Taught
Undergraduate: Introduction to Semiotics and Comparative Communication Theory. Graduate: Seminar on Cultural Studies.
Deconstructing Communication: Subject, Representation, and Economies of Exchange. University of Minnesota Press, 1996, pp. 280. Philosophy of Communication. MIT Press, 2012.
Additional essays can be found in journals such as: International Philosophical Quarterly, British Journal of Aesthetics; Cultural Critique; differences; History of Eurpoean Ideas, Human Studies, Theory Culture and Soceity, Cultural Politics, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies; Journal of Literary Semantics, and others.
Current Projects
My current work focuses on determining how and to what extent discourses in critical cultural studies are themselves reflections of ideological determination and products of academic markets.