Bittman, E.L., 2014. Effects of the Duper Mutation on Responses to Light: Parametric and Non-parametric Responses, Range of Entrainment, and Masking. J. Biol. Rhythms, 29: 97-109 (Doi: 10.1177/0748730413520399).
Manoogian, E.N.C., Leise, T.L., and Bittman, E.L., 2014. Phase resetting in duper hamsters: Specificity to photic zeitgebers and circadian phase. J Biol. Rhythms, in press.
Mahoney, C.E., McKinley Brewer, J., and Bittman, E.L. 2013. Central control of circadian phase in arousal-promoting neurons. PLoS ONE , 8(6): e67173. (Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0067173).
Bittman, E.L., Kilduff, T.S., Kriegsfeld, L.J., Szymusiak, R., Toth, L.A., and Turek, F.W. 2013. Animal care practices in experiments on biological rhythms and sleep. J. Amer. Assn. Lab Animal Sci., 52: 437-443.
Bittman, E.L., 2012. Does the precision of a biological clock depend upon its period? Effects of the duper and tau mutations in Syrian hamsters. PLoS One, 7(5): e36119. PMID: 22615753
Monecke, S., McKinley Brewer, J., Krug, S., Bittman, E.L. 2011. Duper: a mutation that shortens hamster circadian period.J. Biol. Rhythms, 26: 283-292. PMID21775287
Krug, S., Brewer, J.M., Bois, A.S., Bittman, E.L. 2011. Effects of the Duper mutation on circadian responses to light. J. Biol. Rhythms, 26:293-304. PMID 2177587
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Bittman, E.L. , Costello, M.K., and Brewer, J.M., 2007. Circadian organization of tau mutant hamsters: Aftereffects and splitting. J. Biol. Rhythms, 22: 425-431. PMID17876063
Guo, H., Brewer, J.M., Lehman, M.N., and Bittman, E.L. 2006. Suprachiasmatic regulation of circadian rhythms of gene expression in hamster peripheral organs: effects of transplanting the pacemaker. Journal of Neuroscience, 26: 6406-12.
Guo, H., Brewer, J.M., Champhekar, A., Harris, R.B.S., and Bittman, E.L. 2005. Differential Control of Peripheral Circadian Rhythms by Suprachiasmatic-dependent Neural Signals. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 102: 3111-6.
Cheng, M.Y., Bittman, E.L., Hattar, S.S., Leslie, F., Yau, K-W, and Zhou, Q-Y. 2005. Light regulation of prokineticin 2 molecular rhythm in the suprachiasmatic circadian clock. BMC Neurocience, 17: 6-17.
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Tong, Y, Guo, H., Brewer, J.M., Lee, H, Lehman, M.N., and Bittman, E.L. 2004. Oscillating expression of haPer1 and haBmal1 in peripheral organs of Syrian hamsters. J. Biol. Rhythms. 19: 113-125. MEDLINE
Bittman, E.L., Doherty, L., Huang L., and Paroskie, A. 2003. Period gene expression in mouse endocrine tissues. Am. J. Physiol. Regul. Integr. Comp. Physiol. 285: R561-569. MEDLINE
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Huang, L., and Bittman, E.L. 2002. Olfactory bulb cells generated in adult male golden hamsters are specifically activated by exposure to estrous females. Hormones and Behavior, 41: 343-50.
Fukuhara, C., Brewer, J.M., Dirden, J.C., Bittman, E.L., Tosini G., and Harrington, M.E. 2001. Neuropeptide Y rapidly reduces Period 1 and Period 2 mRNA levels in the hamster suprachiasmatic nucleus. Neuroscience Letters, 314: 119-122.
Song, C.K., Bartness, T.J., Petersen, S.L., and Bittman, E.L. 2000. Co-expression of melatonin (MEL1a) receptor and arginine vasopressin mRNAs in the Siberian hamster suprachiasmatic nucleus. J. Neuroendocrinol. 12: 627-634. MEDLINE
de la Iglesia, H.O., Blaustein, J.D., and Bittman, E.L. 1999. Estrogen receptor-immunoreactive neurons project to the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the female Syrian hamster. J. Neuroendocrinol. 11: 481-490. MEDLINE
Bittman, E.L., Tubbiola, M.L., Foltz, G., and Hegarty, C.M. 1999. Effects of photoperiod and androgen on pro-opiomelanocortin gene expression in the arcuate nucleus of golden hamsters. Endocrinol. 140: 197-206. MEDLINE
Meyer-Bernstein, E.L., Jetton, A.E., Matsumoto, S.-I., Markuns, J.F., Lehman, M.N., and Bittman, E.L. 1999. Effects of suprachiasmatic transplants on circadian rhythms of neuroendocrine function in golden hamsters. Endocrinol. 140: 207-218. MEDLINE
Huang, L., DeVries, G.J., and Bittman, E.L. 1998. Photoperiod regulates neuronal bromodeoxyuridine labeling in the brain of a seasonally breeding mammal. J. Neurobiol. 36: 410-420 . MEDLINE
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Vernadakis, A.J, Bemis, W.E., and Bittman, E.L. 1998. Localization and partial characterization of melatonin receptors in amphioxus, hagfish, lamprey and skate. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 110: 67-78. MEDLINE
Powers, J.B., Jetton, A.E., Mangels, R.A., and Bittman, E.L. 1997. Effects of photoperiod duration and melatonin signal characteristics on the reproductive systems of male Syrian hamsters. J. Neuroendocrinol. 9: 451-466. MEDLINE
Matsumoto, S., Basil, J., Jetton, A., Lehman, M.N., and Bittman, E.L. 1996. Control of phase and period of circadian rhythms restored by suprachiasmatic grafts. J. Biol Rhythms 11: 145-162.9. MEDLINE
Bittman, E.L., Jetton, A.E., Villalba, C., and De Vries, G.J. 1996. Effects of photoperiod and androgen on pituitary function and neuropeptide staining in Siberian hamsters. Amer. J. Physiol. 271: R64-72. MEDLINE
Maywood, E.S., Bittman, E.L., and Hastings, M.H. 1996. Lesions of the melatonin- and androgen-responsive tissues of the dorsomedial nucleus of the hypothalamus block the gonadal response of male Syrian hamsters to programmed infusions of melatonin. Biol. Reprod. 54: 470-477.
Maywood E.S., Bittman, E.L., Ebling, F.J.P., Barrett, P., Morgan, P., and Hastings, M.H. 1995. Regional distribution of iodomelatonin binding sites within the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the Syrian hamster and the Siberian hamster. J. Neuroendocrinol. 7: 215-225.
de la Iglesia, H.O., Blaustein, J.D., and Bittman, E.L. 1995. The suprachiasmatic area in the female hamster projects to neurons containing estrogen receptors and GnRH. NeuroReport 6: 1715-1722.
Tubbiola, M.L., and Bittman, E.L. 1995. Short days increase sensitivity to methadone inhibition of male copulatory behavior. Physiol. Behav. 58: 647-651.
Bittman, E.L., Thomas, E.M., and Zucker, I. 1994. Melatonin binding sites in sciurid and hystricomorph rodents: studies on ground squirrels and guinea pigs. Brain Res. 648: 73-79.
Tubbiola, M.L., and Bittman, E.L. 1994. Steroidal and photoperiodic regulation of opiate binding in male golden hamsters. J. Neuroendocrinol. 6: 317-322.