Joseph BerganAssociate Professor Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences Research Interests We seek to understand the principles of how social and defensive stimuli are encoded in the activity of neurons, and how this process can be modulated by behavior state, experience, and neuromodulation. |
Eric L. BittmanProfessor, Department of BIology 420G Morrill II South 413-545-4344 Research Interests Circadian Rhythms; Reproduction; Seasonal Changes in Brain Function |
Travis HodgesAssistant Professor, Mt. Holyoke College Dr. Hodges Mt. Holyoke Profile Research Interests Dr. Hodges is interested in examining sex-specific the involvement of neuronal activation and networks, inflammation, neurogenesis, and gut microbiota in negative cognitive bias, a main symptom of depression, across development. |
Ilia KaratsoreosAssociate Professor, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences Lab Website Research Interests The ultimate goal of our research program is to understand the factors that either promote resilience or increase vulnerability to environmental challenges. We study how the body's internal circadian (daily) clock, and "stress response" systems help maintain mental and physical health. |
Rolf O. KarlstromProfessor, Department of Biology Member, Neuroscience and Behavior Program Member, Molecular and Cellular Biology Program 413-577-3448 (lab: 3456) Karlstrom Lab Research Interests Development of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary Axis; Axon Guidance and Forebrain Patterning |
Paul KatzProfessor, Department of Biology 106 Morrill Science Center, Bldg III 413-545-0486 Katz Lab Website Research Interests Our lab is interested in neural circuits underlying rhythmic motor behavior. We use sea slugs (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Heterobranchia, Nudipleura) because they have fairly simple brains with only 10,000 neurons and simple behaviors. The neurons are individually identifiable, allowing us to fully understand the neural mechanisms for these behaviors at the cellular level. |
Agnès LacreuseProfessor, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences Member, Neuroscience and Behavior Program Member, Center for Neuroendocrine Studies 531 Tobin Hall (413) 545-2183 Research Interests Sex Steroids and Cognition Across the Adult Lifespan |
Stephen D. McCormick Research Interests Neuroendocrine Control of Osmoregulation; Growth and Development in Teleost Fish |
David MoormanDepartment of Psychological and Brain Sciences Research Interests Our laboratory is interested in characterizing the neural systems underlying complex behaviors, in particular motivation and executive function. |
Stephanie PadillaAssistant Professor, Biology Department Lab Website Research Interests The goal of our research is to understand the neural circuits and signaling molecules that respond to homeostatic need states or to fluctuations in gonadal sex hormones. Neuron populations that project axons to multiple downstream target locations and cell types have the potential to coordinate complex behavioral responses to such state changes. |
Mariana PereiraAssociate Professor, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences Research Interests Exploring the basis of cognitive, motivational and affective mechanisms of parenting at the behavioral, neural and neurochemical levels, both under healthy conditions and in the context of maternal neuropsychiatric disorders; emphasis on limbic-cortical-striatal interactions, mesocorticolimbic dopamine system and animal models of depression and drug addiction. |
Luke Remage-HealeyProfessor, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences Member, Center for Neuroendocrine Studies Member, Molecular and Cellular Biology Program Member, Neuroscience and Behavior Program Morrill IVN 212 413-545-0772 Healey Lab Research Interests Neurosteroids and Rapid Modulation of Cortical Circuits; Vocal Learning and Plasticity |
Heather N. RichardsonProfessor Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences T 527 413-545-0166 Research Interests Developmental Neuroscience, Neuroendocrinology, Peptides and Behavior; Neurobiology of Stress and Addiction |
Lynette SievertAnthropology Department Research Interests As a biological anthropologist I have focused on age at menopause and symptom experience at midlife as two aspects of human variation. I am also interested in the evolution of menopause and post-reproductive aging as a human trait. |
Laura VandenbergProfessor, Environmental Health Sciences Vice Chancellor for Research and Engagement Lab Website Research Interests Laura Vandenberg investigates the effects of endocrine disruptors on development and how environmental factors in early life contribute to adult diseases including breast cancer, infertility, and obesity. |
John-Paul BairdAssociate Professor of Psychology (Neuroscience) Amherst College Chair of Neuroscience Chair of Psychology 323 Merrill Science 413-542-5828 Website Research Interests Feeding Microstructure and Related Neural Responses in the Brainstem |
Annaliese BeeryAssistant Professor Smith College - Bass Hall 415 413-585-3918 Website Research Interests Affiliative Social Behavior; Epigenetic Mechanisms by which Experience Changes the Brain and Behavior |
Jeffrey BlausteinProfessor Emeritus Research Interests Neuroendocrinology and Behavior; ovarian hormone action in the brain, hormones and behavior, effects of antiestrogens on brain and mental health, antihormone treatment for breast cancer |
Jason BrevesAssistant Professor, Department of Biology Skidmore College Dana Science Center 345, Saratoga Springs, NY 518-580-5079 |
Ethan D. ClotfelterAssistant Professor Amherst College Website Research Interests Neuroendocrinology of Aggression; Behavioral Effects of Endocrine Disruptors |
Marcela Fernandez-PetersAssistant Professor, Colorado College Fernandez-Peters Lab |
Mary HarringtonTippit Professor in Life Sciences Smith College - Sabin-Reed 429 413-585-3925 Website Research Interests Circadian Rhythms; Photic and Non-Photic Entrainment |
Lisa MangiameleSabin Reed 453 (413) 585-3879 Mangiamele Lab |
Jerrold MeyerProfessor Emeritus Research Interests Neurochemistry; Neuropharmacology; Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis |
Sandra L. PetersenProfessor Emeritus Research Interests Neuroendocrinology of Reproduction; Sexual Differentiation of the Brain; Environmental Toxins as Endocrine Disrupters |
Marc J. TetelAssociate Professor, Neuroscience Program Wellesley College Member, Center for Neuroendocrine Studies Science Center 367 781-283-3003 Research Interests Nuclear Receptor Coactivators and Mechanisms of Steroid Hormone Action in the Brain |
Christine WagnerProfessor, Department of Psychology Member, Center for Neuroendocrine Studies State University of New York at Albany - SS 369 518-591-8836 Research Interests Maternal/fetal Interaction; Maternal Hormones and Fetal Neural Development |
R. Thomas ZoellerProfessor Emeritus Research Interests Thyroid Hormone Regulation of Brain Development; Thyroid Disrupting Compounds and Development |