Fall 2020



arThe Amazing Race is back with a new name: The UMass Ultimate (Virtual) Race.  It will be held on Monday, October 19, 2020 @ 7-9pm.

Interested?  Do the following:
1.  Form your team of 3 people.
2.  Create your team name - something nice and appropriate!
3.  Collect vital info of team members (name, UMass email address and cp numbers) and send this to chonal@umass.edu.
4.  A zoom link will be sent to your team by October 14, 2020.

First come!  First served!
Registrration will close as soon as we reach our capacity of 15 teams! REGISTER NOW!





Cultural Center Job Opportunities Fall 2020

Applicants should email arichemealci@umass.edu and cc carodrig@umass.edu by 10.3.2020 by 11:59pm.

General: Cultural Center Programming Assistant: 10 hour Undergraduate Position *work study eligible*

The CMASS Cultural Centers continue a long history of providing programs that celebrate cultural traditions, understanding of own/other’s multifaceted identities, nurturing and welcoming spaces for studying as well as resource referral to support student success. 

The Cultural Center Programming Assistant will work with the Program Coordinator and Associate Director for Student Development to design and implement culturally relevant and intentional learning strategies for cultural programming for diverse student populations. The Cultural Center Programming Assistant will uphold the mission of CMASS and the cultural centers, are responsible for the daily operations, and for designing and facilitating culturally enriching programs. This position offers opportunities to: critically apply theories of student development, cultural wealth, and socialization, while gaining practical experience in project management and event production.  

Cultural Center Programming Assistants will be assigned to one of the four Cultural Centers: Josephine White Eagle, Latinx, Malcolm X, and Yuri Kochiyama Cultural Center.

These positions are student leadership development opportunities for the current semester contingent upon academic and professional employee performance and funding availability. The Cultural Center Programming Assistants will be eligible for intent to return by semester, if employee performance and academic gpa is in good standing. Intent to return forms will be distributed at the end of each academic semester, and will only be approved after a satisfactory performance evaluation. Please note that work hours will be assigned based on work study award.

Read more for more information:   


B.  CMASS Creative IT
NOTE:  Our Marfketing, Publicity and Admimistration area do not have a job opening for the meantime.  We will announce an opening as soon as we can offer it.



Marketing and Publicity (Work-study preferred)

The Creative IT will work with the Assistant Director for Administration, Publicity and Marketing to support the publicity and marketing activities of CMASS.  S/he will engage in graphic design for posters and website; this individual will also produce, edit and launch videos, as well as uphold the mission and vision of CMASS. This position offers opportunities to: be creative, create content that can serve as portfolio pieces, gain understanding of building and maintain a brand from a technical perspective, manage deadlines and work in a team setting.  Reappointment is dependent on department need, satisfactory performance evaluation, experience, academic standing and funding availability.

Interested stjudents shoujld submit a cover letter/resume as well as 3 revelant samples (can be writing, art, photography, etc.) to Chona Lauyan: chonal@umass.edu by Dec. 6, 2019 @ 11:59pm.

For application process and more info read more.

C. Undergraduate Social Media Content Developer for Cultural Centers 

Marketing and Publicity (Work-study preferred)

This position will work with the Marketing, Publicity and Administration area of CMASS to:

  1. Generate content on social media that is culturally relevant, educational and respectful of different perspectives.
  2. Promote active two-way participation and maintain consistent presence of the four cultural centers on social media.
  3. Assist in publicizing all events and information about the cultural centers (CC) on social media and day-to-day activities inclusive of creating, curating and managing all published content (images, video and written articles).

Interested stjudents shoujld submit a cover letter/resume  to Chona Lauyan: chonal@umass.edu by Dec. 6, 2019 @ 11:59pm.

For application process and more info read more.


Native Heritage Month 2020 Events

photosFor the month of November the Josephine White Eagle Cultural Center would love to highlight community photos and videos on our social media showcasing Native/Indigenous culture. Please send us your photos and videos by emailing jwecc-sa@umass.edu, tagging/messaging JWECC on Instagram at umass_jwecc, or messaging us on Facebook.

Still not StrongStill Here Still Strong
Thursday, November 5, 2020 |6:00-7:00pm

Identify as Native/Indigenous and want to get to know others in the community? Stop by for an hour of sharing stories, learning about one another's culture, and exploring your identity/identities. Remember we are "Still Here and Still Strong"

 virtual beadingVirtual Beading
Friday,  November 6. 2020 | 6:00pm


Interested in learning how to bead? Limited kits will be available from Residential Life on a first come first served basis. “Pickup locations will include Crabtree and CHC/Roots service desks during normal business hours on Thursday, November 5, and Friday before the event.

Join us on Zoom for a beading demonstration and walkthrough.

indian hourse movieNetflix Party “Indian Horse”
Tuesday,  November 10, 2020 |  6:00-8:00pm

Netfix party link: https://www.tele.pe/netflix/f35e68cbe00565b6?s=s162 
Join us on Netflix party to watch "Indian Horse" and stop by afterwards on Zoom to share your thoughts. A full discussion about the film will follow next week.


Indian Horse Discussion
uesday, November 17, 2020 |  6:00-7:00pm

Please join us for our discussion on "Indian Horse" A powerful film about survival, Residential Schools and its harmful effects on the Native community, and battling stereotypes, as well as racism.


 We are not your Mascot
Thursday, November 19, 2020 | 6:00-7:00pm

A conversation with our speakers about the various effects of using Native/Indigenous culture as Mascots.

Guest Speakers:
a. Rhonda Anderson
is Iñupiaq - Athabascan from Alaska. Her Native enrollment village is Kaktovik. Her life work most importantly is as a Mother, as well as a classically trained Herbalist, Silversmith, and activist. She works as an educator within area schools and the 5 colleges near her home in Massachusetts.

b. Joseph P. Gone
 is a Professor in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences (Anthropology) and the Faculty of Medicine (Global Health and Social Medicine) at Harvard University. He is also the Faculty Director of the Harvard University Native American Program (HUNAP).

IPO WeekTake a Moment:  A Mixer to Share Culture and Celebrate Identities
Friday November 20, 2020 |  11:00am EST

Automatic registration set up

Join in to engage in activities and conversation to build connections amidst geographical distance.



CMASS 10th Year Anniversary Celebration

10th Annniversary



In recognition of our 10th year, the Center for Multicultural Advancement and Student Success (CMASS) is excited to celebrate this milestone anniversary, themed Honoring Our Legacy, Advocacy, Community, and Culture.

Registration for the CMASS event alumni and students can go to the Homecoming website here: https://www.umassalumni.com/s/1640/rd17/interior.aspx?sid=1640&gid=2&pgid=6967&cid=11637&ecid=11637&crid=0&calpgid=6851&calcid=11453

Once you are registered and have selected the event and breakout rooms, you will be sent a confirmation email with the Zoom link instructions.

In 2010 CMASS was launched to continue the amazing work of our founding support programs; Committee for the Collegiate Education of Black and Other Minority Students (CCEBMS), Bilingual Collegiate Program (BCP), United Asia Learning Resource Center (UALRC), and Native American Student Services (NASS)—using a student-centered approach to provide programs and services that foster a sense of belonging, community, and transformative learning.

Come meet our staff and learn about the services and resources our program has to offer. During this exciting virtual event, our cross-generational alumni and current students will have the opportunity to connect, unite, and continue building upon our foundation. Participants will hear impactful stories from alumni, and both students and alumni will have the opportunity to join small affinity group discussions meant to facilitate networking and encourage mentoring relationships.

Come hear from our amazing alumni guest speakers who will share how each program has impacted their UMASS experience and personal/professional lives.

  • Sidonio Ferreira
  • Jose Bou
  • Vira Douangmany Cage
  • Renee Lopes
  • Mary Nguyen

Once you are registered and select the event and breakout rooms, you will be sent a confirmation email with the Zoom link instructions.

We appreciate your participation in making this celebration one that recognizes our past—and inspires our future.

Programming Assistants for the CMASs Cultural Centers
TITLE:  Cultural Center Programming Assistant Position
AGENCY:  Center for Multicultural Advancement and Student Success

General: Cultural Center Programming Assistant: 10 hour Undergraduate Position *work study eligible*

Applicants should email arichemealci@umass.edu and cc carodrig@umass.edu by 10.12.2020 by 11:59pm.

The CMASS Cultural Centers continue a long history of providing programs that celebrate cultural traditions, understanding of own/other’s multifaceted identities, nurturing and welcoming spaces for studying as well as resource referral to support student success. 

The Cultural Center Programming Assistant will work with the Program Coordinator and Associate Director for Student Development to design and implement culturally relevant and intentional learning strategies for cultural programming for diverse student populations. The Cultural Center Programming Assistant will uphold the mission of CMASS and the cultural centers, are responsible for the daily operations, and for designing and facilitating culturally enriching programs. This position offers opportunities to: critically apply theories of student development, cultural wealth, and socialization, while gaining practical experience in project management and event production.  

Cultural Center Programming Assistants will be assigned to one of the four Cultural Centers: Josephine White Eagle, Latinx, Malcolm X, and Yuri Kochiyama Cultural Center.,

Read more..

AR virtual fall 2020This event is cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances.  

The Amazing Race is back with a new nameThe UMass Ultimate (Virtual) Race.  It will be held on Monday, October 19, 2020 @ 7-9pm.

Interested?  Do the following:
1.  Form your team of 3 people.
2.  Create your team name - something nice and appropriate!
3.  Collect vital info of team members (name, UMass email address and cp numbers) and send this to chonal@umass.edu.
4.  A zoom link will be sent to your team by October 14, 2020.

First come!  First served!
Registrration will close as soon as we reach our capacity of 15 teams! REGISTER NOW!


Latinx Heritage Month Events

beyondBeyond Univision 
Monday, October 5, 2020 | 5:30-6:30pm

Zoom link: https://umass-amherst.zoom.us/j/96735329031?pwd=STNYMnI1UGFmWVRrSW9CaEt6S1NjUT09
Reimagining Latinx representation in mass media.  Guest Speakers:  Martha Fuentes Bautista, Senior Lecturer, Director of Engaged Research and Learning and Ximena A. Gomez, Assistant Professor, American Art.


Friday, October 9, 2020 | 7:30pm

Link:  Instagram: Sorcumass

Student leaders share their experience  being Latinx at UMass while highlighting campus resources that aided them  in their academic success.
Co-Sponsor:  The SORC/Cultural Council


en mi casaEn Mi Casa:  A Latinx Heritage Virtual Scavenger Hunt
Monday, October 12, 2020   7:00PM
Register in advance for this meeting:

Join CMASS ,Latinos Unidos (LU)  and Students of Caribbean Ancestry (SOCA)  for a virtual scavenger hunt that explores Latinx Culture for an evening of fun and celebration. Enjoy the game and converse with student leaders and staff to share memories and experiences about being Latinx.Co-Sponsors:  Latinx American Cultural Center, Latinos Unidos, and Students of Caribbean Ancestry


Telling our storiesTelling OUR Stories:  The Latinx Diaspora
Tuesday, October 14, 2020 | 5:30pm
Zoom link:  
Reclaiming Columbus Day and revealing the truth about native lands and Indigenous people of the North American Continent.

Guest Speakers:  Ellen Correa, Lecturer Civic Engagement & Service Learning (CESL) and Isabel Espinal, Reference Services Librarian for Afro American Studies, Native American Indian Studies and Information Literacy and Agustin Lao Montes, Associate Professor of Sociology and Afro-American Studies


cultural connectionsCultural Connections; Drop in Virtual Social
Wednesday, October 14, 2020 | 5:00-6:00pm
Zoom:  https://umass-amherst.zoom.us/j/94472783082
Join to establish virtual connections with new and returning students and share strategies to thrive in remote learning!


stonewallLiving Authentically as LGBTQIA and Latinx
Friday, October 16, 2020 | 7:00pmRegister in advance for this meeting:
Zoom: https://umass-amherst.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYpceCupjMuGNR9d1zNvSHnUVNWwjI1LMFK
Intergenerational storytelling experiences of being Latinx and Queer.
Co-sponsor:  Stonewall Center


eoroEach One Reach One Mentoring Program (EORO)

Is now accepting applications for our mentoring program. The Each One Reach One Program promotes early graduate school preparation among students of color and first-generation.

EORO offers  individualized one on one support throughout the year and group support from peers. Get help on all the following topics

  • Resumes and Cover letters for jobs
  • Personal Statement for graduate school plans
  • Culturally relevant support, addressing all your needs and supports.

To learn more about the EORO program visit the website.
To apply please complete the application.
Submit all supporting documents to Marwa at mamer@sacl.umass.edu.


CMASS Digital Historian Undergraduate Fellow

historian CMASS and the Public History Program in the History department seek a dedicated and enthusiastic undergraduate student to assist in tracking and documenting the history of the cultural centers through a digital lens. The selected fellow will work directly (via Zoom) with the Public History Program and learn innovative ways of capturing history digitally to produce a written and visual installation of the research project.

This initiative seeks to equip interested undergraduate students with the skills to research primary and secondary sources, collect data efficiently, and engage digital data effectively for public interaction.  All technology is user friendly, and assessable. If accommodations are need, we will provide those accommodations. We ask to have notice early within the selection process, to make sure accommodations are placed in time.  Read more...

Iindependent studyndependent Study
The Center for Latin American Caribbean and Latino Studies (CLACLS) and the Latinx American Cultural Center (LACC) of the Center for Multicultural Advancement and Student Success (CMASS) are piloting this credit bearing independent study to facilitate communications across services and organize activities to promote diversity, equity and inclusion across the Latinx/Hispanic diaspora.

Undergraduate student enrolled full time in degree granting program
Ability to commit a minimum of 6 hours per week, with advisor’s recommendation
Experience working with faculty affiliated with CLACLS
Engagement with Latinx/Hispanic diaspora
Knowledge of campus resources
Intermediate verbal/written knowledge of Spanish or Portuguese language

Example of activities:
Information sharing on appropriate university sanctioned social media platforms and email
Facilitate information sessions on certificate courses
Coordinate faculty/graduate student presentations
Participate in the Latinx Heritage Month and Indigenous Peoples Heritage month planning committees

Create a capstone project of the activities performed in connection to academic scholarship, civic engagement, and student development emphasizing the Latinx student experience in higher education.

Faculty sponsor:  Laura Valdiviezo

To apply forward a resume and cover letter to Israel Rivera at irivera-clacls@umass.edu and Ciara Rodriguez carodrig@umass.edu by September 28, 2020


.You are invited to  another Real Talk program on Thursday, September 24th at 7:00PM ET. We will be collaborating with CMASS which is our Center for Multicultural Advancement and Student Success and will feature  Ashiah Richeme-Alcide,  their new Associate Director for Student Development who will help us engage in dialogue around athlete activism.

This Real Talk will be open for specifically general students and student-athletes. This is a great way for our student-athletes to get involved and find community outside of athletics and most importantly stay connected during these isolating times.

Below is a Zoom link for the Real Talk. Please share, share, share!

Meeting ID: 935 4214 6121


Cultural Connections; Drop in Virtual Social
Wednesday, October 14, 2020 |5:00-6:00pm
Zoom:  https://umass-amherst.zoom.us/j/94472783082

Join to establish virtual connections with new and returning students and share strategies to thrive in remote learning!


CMASS Digital Historian Undergraduate Fellow

CMASS and the Public History Program in the History department seek a dedicated and enthusiastic undergraduate student to assist in tracking and documenting the history of the cultural centers through a digital lens. The selected fellow will work directly (via Zoom) with the Public History Program and learn innovative ways of capturing history digitally to produce a written and visual installation of the research project.

This initiative seeks to equip interested undergraduate students with the skills to research primary and secondary sources, collect data efficiently, and engage digital data effectively for public interaction.  All technology is user friendly, and accessible.  If accommodations are needed, we will provide those accommodations. We ask to have notice early within the selection process, to make sure accommodations are placed in time.  Read  more:


Good Doing Business With You: Advice From Young Alumni Entrepreneurs
Monday, September 28 |  5:30-7:30 p.m.

Zoom:  https://umass-amherst.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAoc-ChpzstHdAGVVkqkw2BUna0HpdRYZfA

This is a collaboration between CMASS and Berthiaume Entrepreneurship Center to host a panel of UMass alumni entrepreneurs.  Join to learn from their stories about resources to start your own entrepreneurship ventures.  Discuss during a challenging economy strategies for self-employment and developing an entrepreneurial identity in a moderator/panel format.

*registration via Zoom required*


cultural connections

Cultural Connections is a staple of Welcome Week to introduce new students to CMASS and promote positive connections and community with peers and staff.

This vibrant event is open to the campus as a celebration of our cultural plurality.

Zoom in to Join!

Thursday,  August 27, 2020 
Zoom Linkhttps

Time 4:00-5:00pm

Welcome and Meet our New CMASS Staff

ahsiahAshiah B Richeme-Alcide
Associate Director for Student Development

She earned a Bachelor of Science in Sociology and a Master of Arts in Women’s Studies from Southern Connecticut State University.   Ashiah most recently served as the Equity and Inclusion Associate conducting Title IX/VII investigations at Central Connecticut State University.  She served previously as Director of Diversity and Inclusion, Coordinator of Living Learning Communities/ Residence Director, and Assistant Coordinator for New Parent and Student Orientation at Westfield State University.  She continues as Adjunct Professor for the Department of Ethnic & Gender Studies at Westfield State University where she teaches historical and theoretical background in Genders Studies to analyze and understand global cultures dominated by oppressive social constructions.

She brings a wealth of leadership experiences in the areas of campus climate assessment, bias and crisis response, student conduct, student government, study abroad, and co-curricular development to name a few.  Ashiah is passionate about “collaborative multicultural and cultural education that is engaging and promotes positive action.”

Ciara Rodriguez
Program Coordinator

She earned a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and minors in East Asian Studies and Inequality Studies from Cornell University and a Master of Business Administration with concentration in Management from Fitchburg State University.   Ciara previously held roles as Administrative Coordinator in the Multicultural and First Generation Student Support Office and as Assistant Director of Undergraduate Admissions at Clark University.  Most recently she served as the Graduate Resident Director at Fitchburg State University.  The breadth of experiences she brings include supervision, student conduct, support for survivors of sexual violence, resiliency, training development and facilitation, recruitment, and programs and services for first generation and culturally diverse populations.  She strives to be “a friendly face to foster sense of belonging and to support students in their journey to where they want to be.”


coachesCMASS Success Coaches @CMASS

CMASS Success Coaches are available to support your success and wellbeing throughout the year.  Join us during drop-in hours M-Th to talk with a coach about stressors or concerns impacting your well-being, your focus on student success, and maintain motivation.

To connect with a Success Coach you will need to log into Navigate to make an appointment and  get Success Coach’s zoom meeting ID.

Remember we are in this together!

In March we posted a statement rebuking behavior fueled by bias and misinformation stigmatizing members of the Asian community.  Today we join many others across the world in rebuking the ongoing violence against Black bodies, Brown bodies and Indigenous bodies. 

Echoing our Chancellor’s statement, “[the] events in Minneapolis remind us just how far our country is from achieving anything close to equity and justice for all. We live in a time when intolerance, bigotry and xenophobia have become mainstream, even at the highest levels of our government. That is why it is so important that we stand united and reject racism and bigotry in all its forms.  Although we acknowledge that our community is far from perfect, we must always strive to be better, to foster a community that is grounded in the concept of dignity and respect for all.”

Racism impacts the wellbeing of individuals and communities.  We all have agency to act in ways that are helpful to ourselves and others.  The Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion has compiled a list of resources for support, education and engagement to combat racism.  CMASS is one of those resources.  Here we list ways to connect with coaches and join group activities.  We will continue to provide other opportunities for connection, support and healing as dates are solidified.

journalingCMASS Gratitude Journaling Connection Event
Grow with Gratitude
June 19, July 17 and August 21  |   2-3pm

POSTPONED:  Gratitude Journaling for Thursday, August 21 has been  postponed for a later date this fall.

Here’s the zoom link: Join Zoom Meeting

Join CMASS Staff to explore how to incorporate gratitude into your daily life and grow your positive mindset. We all have something to be grateful for. 

During these 3 sessions we will look at the benefits of incorporating gratitude into your daily routine, learn about gratitude exercises /activities and engage in positive group discussion. We look forward to your active participation and self-improvement.



The ripple effect of this pandemic on the personal and systemic level is devastating. As we engage with colleagues and students, we see a great deal of concern while noticing their efforts to provide support in various ways. We draw energy from within and across and need each other to plan for a post COVID19 future that reflects the best in us.

As stated by our Office of Equity and Inclusion, we wholeheartedly rebuke behavior fueled by bias and misinformation that stigmatizes members of our community, and emphasizes the fact that our Chinese students, staff, and faculty, as well as other community members of Asian descent who may also be experiencing this bias and stigma, are valued and beloved members of our UMass community. 

There are a number of ways in which we can continue to confront and fight against bias and discrimination, educate ourselves as viruses can make anyone sick, regardless of race or nationality. Help stop the stigma related to COVID-19 by learning the facts from reputable sources such as the CDC and WHO.  Report bias or discrimination incidents using the OEI Climate Incident Report Form.  There are many support programs working to promote positive connection and coping skills through CMASS, International Programs Office, the Center for Counseling and Psychological Health, and others listed on the UMass calendar

Help is within reach and there is no better time than the present to connect with the campus resources in place to support our wellbeing.


Effective Monday, March 16, until further notice, in support of social distancing practice, CMASS staff is working remotely but will continue to provide services for the duration of the semester. You can connect with us by calling 413.545.2517 or by emailing us at cmass@umass.edu.

Here’s an update on how to access specific services:

Success Coaching
Students are encouraged to continue scheduling appointments through NAVIGATE, making sure to let your coach know your preferred method for contact. If you prefer to connect over the phone, ensure your number is updated in SPIRE. If you prefer to connect over videoconference download Zoom.

As we work to shift our services into virtual environments, we know that there may be technology challenges at times-do not hesitate to email your coach directly.

If you don’t have a coach and would like to work with one, email cmass@umass.edu

Success Coaches:

Michelle Youngblood – youngblood@umass.edu
Doris Clemmons – dc@umass.edu
Willie Pope – wjp@umass.edu

Financial Aid Hours
For assistance with your FAFSA or questions about Financial Aid, please contact Financial Aid Counseling or Customer Service afinaid@finaid.umass.edu during 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Let’s Talk
When something’s bothering you, talking about it is often the first step toward a solution. Let’s Talk is available by calling 413-545-2337, Thursdays from 1 – 2 p.m. “Let’s Talk” is led by clinicians from the Center for Counseling and Psychological Health (CCPH).

Student Care Supply Closet
Our offices in Wilder Hall are closed, and so the Supply Closet is temporarily unavailable. If you have immediate need for supply closet items, please contact the Dean of Students Office at doso@umass.edu

Computer Lab in Wilder Hall
Our offices in Wilder Hall are closed, and so the computer lab is inaccessible at this time.

For continuous updates please visit this site frequently as well as www.umass.edu/Coronavirus