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The Massachusetts Test for Educational Licensure is required for completion of our program. You must take and pass the Communication and Literacy Test (both sub-tests: Reading and Writing) AND the Latin and Classical Humanities Test by March 20 of your first year in our MAT program. You take all exams online, but you must take the tests at a Pearson Testing Site. Visit The Massachusetts Test for Educational Licensure to access information about tests, testing sites, and registration.

Educational licensure office

This office provides licensure and oversees your uploads to TK20. Visit the Undergraduate Advising & Educator Licensure Office to get information about the licensure process.

Graduation-eligibility form

For master's students (due in early April of your second year), download the Graduation-Eligibility Form.

Graduate school website

Forms and policies relevant to the Graduate School.
The Graduate School Handbook contains relevant information about your career as a graduate student at UMass Amherst.

Websites for relevant classical associations

CANE: The Classical Association of New England is your home base for regional news and events, information about the annual meeting, and about funding opportunities for summer travel, teaching resources, and other great options for classicists.

ACL: The American Classical League is a key resource for teachers of Latin and Ancient Greek. Check out the free Placement Service, information about the annual meeting, teaching resources, and other nationwide events relevant to Latin teachers.

SCS: The Society of Classical Studies (formerly known as the APA) is the international academic association for Classicists teaching at the college and secondary level. Go here to see useful resources for teachers and students of the classics.

CAM: The Classical Association of Massachusetts is a not-for-profit professional organization that fosters the study of classical languages and civilizations in Massachusetts.

CAMWS: The Classical Association of the Middle West and South offers a teaching resource journal online that is peer-reviewed. This organization also offers funding opportunities.

Possible summer travel opportunities

The American Academy in Romesummer program

The American School of Classical Studies at Athenssummer program in Greece

The Paideia Institute: living Latin in Rome and other places, as well as workshops and seminars on various subjects.

Conventiculum in Boston: living Latin in the Boston area.

Conventiculum in Kentucky: the original institute for speaking Latin.

Conventiculum at Dickinson College: another institute for speaking Latin.

Rusticatio: living Latin in West Virginia, with an emphasis on pedagogical applications.