Anthony Tuck
Professor | Associate Dean for Faculty and Academic Affairs

541 Herter Hall
Anthony Tuck holds degrees in Classical Archaeology from Haverford College (BA, 1992) and Brown University (PhD, 1996). He has taught at UMass since 2006. He serves as Director of Excavations at Poggio Civitate (Murlo), an Etruscan site dating to the 8th to 6th centuries BCE. His research focuses on social, economic, and political development in early urban Italy.
- Etruscan culture
- Ancient manufacturing and technology
- Political iconography of the Iron Age Mediterranean
- Celtic-Etruscan interactions
- The archaeology of death and dying
- Cities and Communities of Etruria: Poggio Civitate (Murlo). (University of Texas Press. Austin 2021).
- The Archaeology of Language at Poggio Civitate (Murlo). With Rex Wallace. (Giorgio Bretschneider, Rome 2018).
- L’Avventura Etrusca di Murlo: 50 anni di scavi a Poggio Civitate. With Annalisa Coppolara & Goran Soderberg. (Ara Editrice, Siena 2017).
Museum Exhibit Catalogues
- First Words: The Archaeology of Language at Poggio Civitate. With Rex Wallace (Arcadia Press 2013).
Recent Articles & Book Chapters
- “Where the Wild Things Are: Etruscan Hunting and Trophy Display at Poggio Civitate (Murlo).” With Sarah Kansa. European Journal of Archaeology. Forthcoming. 2022
- “Woven Witness: Philomela, Procne, and Visualized Narratives through Textiles,” with Cole Reilly, Cinzia Presti, and Joseph Capozzi. In Homo Textor: Weaving as a Technical Mode of Existence. E. Karslus & G. Fanfani eds. Munich. Forthcoming. 2022
- “Drunk with Power: Wine Drinking Vessels, Inebriation, Sexuality, and Politics at Poggio Civitate (Murlo).” Studi Etruschi 83. 35-68. 2021
- “Il telaio di Omero.” Prometeo. 70-74. 2021
- “Resource and Ritual: Manufacturing and Production at Poggio Civitate (Murlo).” In Making Cities: Economies of Production and Urbanization Mediterranean Europe 1000-500 BCE. Gleba, M. Ed. 147-160. 2021
- “Le aristocrazie arcaiche: il caso di Murlo (Poggio Civitate).” With Ann Glennie. Atti del XXIV Convegno Internazionale di Studi sulla Storia e l’Archeologia dell’Etruria. G. Della Fina. 515-545. 2021
- “Augury and Observation: Speculations on an Italic Ritual Practice.” Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome 65. 540-557. 2021
- Classics 103: Introduction to Classical Archaeology
- Classics 224: Greek Mythology
- Classics 300: Greek Archaeology
- Classics 301: Roman Archaeology
- Classics 391: World of the Etruscans
- Classics 393: Celtic Archaeology
- Classics 393A: Technology in the Ancient World