Fan Yihong

Fan Yihong was a professor of Higher Education at the Institute of Education Research, Xiamen University, P.R. CHINA from 2004-2015, then an advisory professor at the Center for Faculty Development, Southwest Jiaotong University (SWJTU) from 2015-2017, and finally is now in the Dean’s Office at SWJTU, 2018-2019.


From 2006 to 2010, she received a Ministry of Education grant for a comparative study of Faculty Development between Chinese and European Universities, during these years she visited many European universities, studying the practice of the faculty development work. In the past four years she has been doing pioneering work at SWJTU designing, planning and implementing faculty development for SWJTU and many other universities in China, promoting teaching and learning innovation on and beyond campuses.


From 2003 to 2013 she published 11 books (some were co-authored), three in English and 7 translated from English to Chinese, and one as a project research report. The themes of which ranging from Holistic Education, Assuring University Learning Quality, Managing Successful University, Innovation Theory and Methodology, Comparative Study on Faculty Development, and the Future of Higher Education.


She has a broad interest of study from the smallest microbial and atomic world to the biggest cosmos and its implications for human development and the evolution of humanity. Her passion is to bring a holistic educational vision and practice to higher education, especially by designing and implementing strategic, systematic and innovative educational and faculty development programs at universities and colleges in China and beyond. [5/19]




Entrance Year: 
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5-year span: 
CIE Graduate