Yasin Magan

I left North America when I received my degree, planning to eventually return to Somalia. I spent time in Rome and London looking for an international career, but to no avail. I then returned to Somaliland, a self-proclaimed independent entity separate from the rest of Somalia. Somaliland is a former British colony that declared its own independence without seeking international recognition.


Upon return to Somaliland, I took a position in a small, but promising institution known as Amoud University.  There I worked in the teacher training department.  Interestingly, this institution is located in the same boarding high school which I attended. The Dean of the University of Amoud was my principle at the time in 1970. I was lucky to find some funding from UNESCO PEER program which was helping higher education to survive after the collapse of the central government of Somalia.


While teaching, I was also involved in working with the democratization process. I was a member of the monitoring board for the National Election Committee. I also worked with several departments and ministries such as the Ministry of Livestock Development for which I prepared a concept paper on developing new markets for the Livestock trade between Somaliland and the Arabian Markets.


More recently I received a grant from the Somaliland Women's Organization to carry out some survey research. The survey focusses on the views of religious and tribal elders about female participation of the Somaliland politics.


After many years, I returned to the Canada in 2019 and now live in Ottawa with my wife and daughter who have recently joined me. [12-22]


Email: yasinmagan2@gmail.com


Entrance Year: 
Graduation Year: 
5-year span: 
CIE Graduate