Bill Smith was the Executive Vice President of the Academy for Educational Development in Washington, DC. for over twenty years where he led the Academy's work in public health communication and social marketing programs in over 65 countries around the world. Bill is now retired but just as creative and busy as ever.
His wife Ginger sends periodic updates on Bill's activities....
He continues to consult with Compassion & Choices -- in fact he catches the train tomorrow for a meeting with them. Their goal is for us to squeeze every ounce out of life, but that when we can no longer recover - to allow us to die with dignity. He's returned to Penn (Annenberg School) for work with the Gates Foundation -- he's off to India for a couple of weeks next month with them. Their focus for this work will be agriculture and maternal nutrition ). Spot work with Pew Charitable Trusts, CDC, Social Marketing Conference, and other bits and pieces. It is wonderful he can take his intellectual energy and experience on the road. [1/16]
For the Yorktown Museum of the American Revolution, he identified Titus Kaphar to create an art installation for the Forgotten Soldier exhibit which opened today. The forgotten soldier was the African (enslaved & free) who fought in the revolution -- and it shifts our focus from the founding fathers who owned those blacks. Working with the Director of museums for the Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation, they commissioned Kaphar to do an astonishing piece. Bill also continues to serve on the Board of the small Williamsburg Contemporary Art Gallery -- nudging them into this century.
Meanwhile here at WindsorMeade in Williamsburg Virginia he curates a monthly TED talk discussion group and produces a Power of Art presentation monthly. His 96 year old mentor (a retired NASA engineer) in the woodshop has enjoyed a collaboration with Bill who has created some museum quality pieces for our home -- one of a kind tables being his specialty. His paintings & jewelry have been in local shows. Never a dull moment around this man! [7-19]
Email: makingchange4u@gmail.com